The Accident. Catra x Adora. 🥰

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Catra's pov

I was driving home from work in the rain, at night because my job at the bar doesn't end till 1am. The rain got heavier and I heard a lightning strike in the distance. "Shit." I jumped but carried on driving. I'm only two minutes away from home. I thought to myself. "I need to see Melog." I said out loud. They were the only thing I had in this hsrd life of mine they are my reason for living some days.

I heard another lightning strike and then suddenly, a crash! My car and another car slammed into eachother and my car went flyinf in the air, everything felt like slow motion. My sest belt kept me locked in and my car handed on it's head. I heard someone scream. The blood was rushing to my head and I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel my legs either. "You! Call 999."

I felt a hand reach out to me and held my hand. "Hey, its okay I've got you, we need you to stay awake, what's your name?" My hesd felt dizzy but I managed to reply. "Catra..." I couldn't see the girl but I could hear her voice and feel her strong hand. "Catra, the Ambulance is on it's way, is there anyone that needs to know you've been hurt?" I felt my body go numb and my eye water.

"No, no one... My Cat!, m-my neighbour needs to keep my cat safe, my cat is very nervous and needs someone they can trust!" I was hyped up on adrenaline now. "Hey it's okay, I'll make sure they are safe. I felt the girl remove my phone from my pocket. "What's your pin?" I cried thinking about Melog, what if I die, they will be depressed. "1985." I answered and she called the number that said neighbour. "Yes Hello, Catra has gotten into a car accident, she would like you to make sure her cat is lokked after, yes, yes, thankyou."

I blew out a sigh of relief and waited for the ambulance ti arrive. "It's here Catra, you are going to be okay." I cried again when they removed the girl."Don't leave me!"

"Hello Catra, I'm Sargent Glimmer, I'm going to get you out of here."

And then I blacked out, the last thing I heard her say was. "She's out cold!"

I woke up in a hospital bed. My arms and legs were in casts and my face was sore. I looked around the room to see Scorpia my neighbour and a sleeping girl I didn't recognise. "Hey kid." I heard Scorpia say quietly. "H-hey Scorpia..." I smiled at her. "Melog is with Purfuma right now hun you have nothing to worry about." I smiled again and then looked over to the girl.

"W-who is that?" I asked Scorpia, she smiled and answered. "That's the girl who sat with you and called me, the paramedics wouldn't let her on the ambulance until I got there. I lied and said you were my sister and then that she's the one who called me. She hasn't left your side since they dragged her away." I smiled and asked. "What's her name?" Scorpia shook her head. "You'll have to meet her to find out."

Scorpia went over and woke the girl up and then went to find the nurse. "Hey, I'm glad you're awake and not upside-down anymore." She said as she stood up. I nodded at the girl and tried to move my hand. "The Doctor said you won't have movement in that arm for a while, or your legs." I sighed and asked. "So what's your name?" The girl smiled and came closer. "Adora, and you are Catra..." I smiled at her answer.

"Why did you stick around? You don't know me." Adora smiled at me and sat in the chair next to my bed. "I couldn't leave you, you were so scared in that car, all alone, when you said you had no one to call, I felt terrible." She took my good hand in her's, it felt the same as it did that night.

The Doctor came in and said I could go home but I needed to come back and do physio once a week, and that I can't walk until my first appointment.

Scorpia pushed me out in a wheel chair. And Adora still held my hand. "Thankyou for helping out Adora. I'll keep you updated." Scorpia said and pushed me towards her van. "I felt her hand slowly leave mine and I started to tear up.

2 weeks later.

I was in my wheel chair, I could now move my arm and my legs were getting their feelings back, but I was so tired, the memories of the crash were still fresh, I couldn't sleep.

I heard the door bell ring which wasn't normal since Scorpia would just come in when she wanted. I opened the door to see Adora! "Hey Catra! You look loads better! How are you?"

I smiled and moved my chair out the way so she could come inside. "I'm good, a little tired, but physio is helping a lot." Adora sat on my sofa and Melog sat next to her. "That's great news Catra!"

I moved myself onto the sofa and then sank into it. "I just want to sleep honestly. My nughtmares of the crash wake me up. Sometimes in my dreams you aren't there." Adora pulled me close to her and hugged me. "I'm here for you Catra, if you want you can sleep now, I'll calm you down in you wake up." I smiled and cuddled her close.

"You promise?" I asked, "I promise." She reliped before I fell asleep in her arms.

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