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hey, it's babi. this is the ending of 'traitor' and i'd like to say (or write) some things for you all.

   first i'd like to thank you all for reading this and being patient when it came to updating (because a sis was on a schedule and it went downhill in the midst).

   starting the outline for this book, i asked myself how i wanted to write it and how i wanted to get the story across to the readers. i was like "how should i word it?" and literally went through such a battle with myself to figure it out, only to decide on writing it out like jayne was actually talking to you all. like she was having a conversation with you and telling you her experience with being cheated on, and even how she had acted and the difficulty she had with coming to terms with red flags she had been sensing. i realized i wanted the way she "talked" with you guys, and the dialogues to be as realistic as possible.

   when i first thought about an ending, i wanted it to be jayne years later, revealed to be talking to someone, either a daughter or a group of people or something and have her also add in advice and insight of how she feels looking back at her younger self, but i think ending it off with the "realization" that he had actually caught feelings for his side piece: miss roslin the minor, would be perfect in a bitter, cliff-hanging way. the last chapter had originally been chapter nine, out of the ten too because i was so set on the "looking back now, i realized some things" ending. i honestly like this new one better because it (hopefully) leaves you asking "what happened next?" or "did people at school find out and attack roslin and jeno for being a homewrecker and creep??".

also, yes, i know. it is representation for black girls into kpop, but it's sad. you can throw tomatoes at me if you want.


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