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I REMEMBER when we first interacted with roslin—vividly actually, because it's probably what kick-started this whole mess. it was in the cafeteria during second lunch on the first day of school. me and jeno already had our seats, we were at a long table with a couple of his teammates and their significant others/non-athlete friends.

the poor girl looked lost, and i couldn't help but sympathize with her. "you good, girl?" i had asked, and jeno, who had his arm around me and was conversing with his teammates, looked over to her as well.

she had tensed up so fast i almost got worried. i understood though; a newbie, and underdog in a new environment with mean older kids with superiority complexes, how terrifying. i had been that same way on my first day of high school and couldn't help wanting to help her. "yeah... just looking for somewhere to sit." she finally spoke up, and i swear my heart swelled. i found her absolutely adorable and immediately asked her to sit with us. there was two free seats on the opposite of jeno and i that i motioned over to.

she sat, awkwardly at that, and thanked me. she was very pretty, and i know it's what caught jeno's eye as well. she seemed to be a good five foot, four inches with tan-ish skin. she had red, curly hair that sat at a shoulder's length with freckles all over her face and arms. her face was perfectly round and her lips were a bright pink with a nice gloss to them. she honestly looked like a model and seemed like the type to be described in a book.

she was timid at the table, but i had tried to get her to open up, at least at her own pace. i asked her simple questions like, "how's your first day going so far?" and the big "how does it feel to finally be in high school?", and she answered them like how i would expect. i noticed, though, that as she talked she'd sneak—not well enough if i peeped it every time—a look at jeno. part of me irked at that, because why the hell did she keep looking at him? but i thought i was being too possessive and should've chilled out, i'd only just met the girl.

i shouldn't have chilled out though, because it became frequent. pretty much everyday after that, she'd be sneaking glances at him and barely paying attention to me and her conversations because she'd want to stare at his damn face.

but, there was one day where i had had it and kissed him in front of her. he enjoyed it too, he always did, but he glanced at her as our lips touched.

he thought he could be slick about it, but i had caught him.

i was dumb to not catch on to his staring earlier though, because apparently the boy was just a transfixed by roslin as she was by him.

lunch turned into a thorn in my side after that, the two had ruined it for me.


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