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It's been 4 months since Julian was arrested for what he did. A month ago Officer Walner had contacted us about the court dates. March 3rd which is tomorrow. I haven't been able to see her as much because I've been busy with the car and school started up again. The person who threatened the school was a former student from 3 years ago. He was arrested too. In my opinion he had every right to threaten the school, because when he was here he was bullied and close to suicide. When he told the principal and the Deans no one believed him. Which is fucked up. So we have a new principal and a new dean.

After the guy came out with his confession so did 4 other people. And the people who were supposedly bullying the students got expelled and was punished with community service. Thank god one of those students who were bullied wasn't Val because gods knows I would have went to jail for 2nd degrees murder. Me and that guy who threatened the school would have been cell mates.

It was Friday and I didn't have school today because something private was going on with the sophomores and juniors. I'm a senior so we don't get much work it's mostly finding colleges to apply for and getting our essays down packed. I planned to spend today with Val. She gets out at 3:30 so I still have 30 minutes left. Knowing val she's probably starving right now. I'll take her back to the diner we went to last time. That was a far drive being that it was like 3 towns over from ours. I started driving to her school so the first face she saw was mines.

By the time I got there she was outside with someone. It was a guy, she was talking and laughing with him. I roll my eyes getting out the car ready to beat his ass. Val looked my way and smiled brightly, I wanted to smile back but I was to worried about this guy infront of her. "Hi baby." She squealed coming to hug me. Val gave me a hug wrapping her arms around my chest squeezing me tight. "What are you doing here?" She asked smiling up at me. She is extra happy for some reason. I know I'm suppose to be happy but seeing as though a guy around my height and who is also handsome was laughing it up with her doesn't sit right with me.

I smiled down at her, kissing her on the forehead. "I came to pick you up." I said to her but I could feel his eyes on us. it was irritating me, his presence alone was pissing me off. I didn't want to be rude because this could be her friend- wait. We were friends at first. And we use to laugh it up in front of the school. "Who is this." I nod my head in his direction. "Oh this is Jacob. We got partnered for a project together. Jacob this is Ace my boyfriend." "her boyfriend." We both said at the same time.

From my peripheral vision I can see Val looking up at me, but I had my eyes on this so called Jacob. Jacob cleared his throat looking a little uncomfortable. "Hi I'm Jacob." he reached his hands out for me to shake but I didn't I jutst continued to look at him.

"Babe stop! It's not like that." Val said tugging on my sweat pants. I huff in defat and shook his nasty ass hands. "hi." I said blandly. "Listen man, I have no intentions with her. We're just project partners." he said defending himself. Maybe I'm over reacting, maybe he is a nice guy and I'm just jealous. "Whatever. It was nice meeting you. Val lets go." I took her hand walking away from Jacob and to my car. "I'll see you on Sunday!" She yelled back at Jacob. I wanted to stop dead in my tracks but I wasn't going to give Jacob the satisfaction of seeing me frustrated. "Yea see you!" You know I have a more manly voice than him. He sounds like a girl.

We got into the car and I waited till Jacob walked off which he didn't. He just stood there looking at us. I wasn't parked too far so he could probably see our figures. I drove away because Val was also looking at him. I was a block away from the school when I pulled over. I took one good look at Val. She's lucky she is beautiful, so lucky.

"There's no reason to be jealous. He's just a friend, I promise." She reached over and kissed me. "You look good." She said smiling at me. I hate when she does that, she knows it's hard to be mad at her. "Fine. Where are you to going on Sunday?" I asked her starting up the car. "working on the project. It's nothing to hands on so we'll just go to Joes diner." I nod my head and started driving the car.

"Where are we going?" She asked looking out the window confused. "It's a surprise." I grab her hand intertwining her fingers with mine. We stayed silent this whole car ride just enjoying each other presences. When we got to the cafe she immediately knew where we were. "OMG I've been dying to go here. I heard they have a new special out." she said while I opened the door for her. "Wanna try it?" 

"Yea." We took a seat by the windows and sat across from each other. "You ok?" I asked her, she was kinda quiet today. And I was also genuinely curious. "Yea. I gave her one look and knew immediately something was wrong. Plus that yea didn't sound so convincing. "Babe. Really what's wrong?" I took her hand in mines from across the table, rubbing my thumb on top of her hand. 

"Nothing really, I just don't wanna go." She rolled her eyes closing the menu. 

"To court?" I asked her. "yea. It's a waste of time. Sure he did what he did but I didn't want all of this. Plus that god damn lawyer is too expensive. And on top of all of that my whole situation is gonna be put out there on display." I can tell she was stressed because she started talking really fast. I got up and went to her side of the table. I pulled her into a hug rubbing her back, she released a clam sigh leaning more into the hug. "I love you." she said into my chest. I smiled and replied back "I love you too." I kissed her forehead cupping her right cheek in my hand. "If it makes you feel better I'll be right there. And after we can go get out favorite milkshake and do whatever you want for the rest of the day." she smiled brightly which made me smile. "I'll love that." she gave me one last hug before she kissed my lips. god this girl makes me so happy. 

"What would I do without you?" she asked sarcastically. "mmm I don't know. Probably would be depressed in some corner crying and getting fatter by the day." I shrugged. She playfully hit me "Yea right." 

We tried the new special or whatever it was. It was nasty. Completely disgusting, but Valentina liked it. I told her she was probably pregnant and that there was an alien inside of her making her say that.  We sat in the back watching the city line light up as we did the last time. "you know, right here was where I realized I was the luckiest man in the world." I told her leaning into her. "really?" 

"yea. I realized that I had the most beautiful girl at my side. I also realized that there are so many men who are dying to be in my place right now but cant." I laughed. It was so true though. Val was mines and mines only and I was definitely her's. there's no girl, amount of cash, or even the best sex in the world that can take me from her. Shit I'll even sell my soul to this girl if I had to. If I had a ring on me I would've probably proposed off of pure emotion. "I don't think so. Pretty sure you're the only guy who can put up with my bullshit." she joked, which is also true. 


"mmm." she replied in a hum. "If I proposed right here right now would you say yes?" I was genuinely curious. If it were up to me, I would have swept her off her feet and married her in front of all of Los Vegas. Fuck that the whole world. I wanted every single guy, gay girl, and anyone who is attracted to val period to know I had her and they could even breathe her air. That sounds a bit possessive but I don't care. 

"Ace! Are you listening?" she shook my arm pulling me from my day dream. "sorry what was it?" 

"I said I'll say yes no matter where we are." I just realized our fingers were intertwined. I kiss the top of her hand squeezing it slightly. "You have no idea how much I love you." I said into her hand. I cant even comprehend how much my heart feels for her. Every time I see her my heart skips a beat out of excitement. 

I think I would die if I'd lose her. She truly is the love of my life. Val lifts her head off my shoulders pulling me into a strong passionate kiss. I smile against her lips as she dominated my mouth with hers. I'll let her have this moment.

A nice chapter of lovey dovey Ace. NGL I wish someone would think this way about me frl 

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