Delirious Questions

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"Is he in the closet?  Did you check in the closet in the hall?" "Im not in the closet. I came-I left the closet years ago."   Minx and Delirious 2015

        Anyone want to question this?  Like he said it with a hesitation.  Like he didnt think it through.  Like I know that he was joking but what if there was a chance that he wasnt?

        Could delirious be gay? or bi?  Like, Im not one to say that the ship is real in real life because im not im just asking is Jonathan gay?

        I also have another question about Deliriou. He has beenplaying with other people, but he would only post videos with Cartoonz still.  He still hasnt fully came back to playing with the bunanabus crew and he has been playing with seananners, minx, and chilled.  Heck he was only in a GTAV video with Evan for like 15 seconds, and that was that.

        How has he kept a relationship for the last two and a half years?  A girlfriend? a wife? (boyfriend as stated above)?  Like, they could be asked what he does for a job and he or his partner says youtube.  That is all that we know that he does.  Wont they ask who he is or anything else?  Yeah a real question here about Delirious.

        I dont mind him not doing a facereveal, but he does need to do another Q/A.  Atleast answering a few questions that I have to ask. (nothing about sexuality just the relationship one again not about sexuality).  Its been forever since he did one.

        And Delirious really loves Teddy Bears!!!!!!!!! I am 17 and I still have a teddy bear ( i recieved it when my grandfather died when i was in fourth grade so about,seven years ago)  Wooooooo TEDDY BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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