This is a following rant from my facebook feed that I posted a little bit ago today (may 9 2017). I might sound as a hypocrite, but if you believe in what the parents say (Ill post a photo when I get to my phone), please unfollow me. I am not even a part of the main religions, and this had disappointed me. Now, the actual rant.
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This is what I do not understand. We are learning of other religions to understand the different cultures that a religion has on a society. The only religion that I see that is doing this is Christianity, and the extremist Islamic Belief system, you know, the ones that we hear all the time on the news? ISIS? Yeah, they are extremists. Even Muslims do not want their religion to be associated with that. But the problem is: they are associated with those people because of people like this, who does not want to understand another religion.Never saw a Christian paper? Well, that is because either the government does not allow that school to teach Christian teachings, like most schools do, and we get to learn about the other FOUR main religions of the Earth, or the school system believes that because of our society, which is dominantly (by a HUGE amount, the statistics are different wherever you go) Christian, already knows what Christianity is, which is also remotely false, because of the many different sects (denominations) of the Christian faith.Wait, there are four main religions? Actually there are five. Four of which are not Christianity. They are Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. Hell, while searching for the statistics for these, they have paired Judaism with Christianity or with Islam (which it matters on what site you go to, once again). How do I know this? Simple: I learned this in high school. I was taught this for my final exam in Sociology in college, though his viewings were more hostile to other religions, especially my own.Why can people not let their children learn about the other religions on Earth? The children do have their own lives to live. Oh, they live under your house? Well, bite my ass and shut your mouth. They are stuck with you until they are eighteen, except under certain predicaments. It is the jobs of the parents to teach the children about the world, how to survive in it on their own, and how to live life. It is not their job to cage the children in fear of other religions. Every child is its own HUMAN BEING with its own MIND. This is how war starts. I am not talking about hatred over if a human is its own self after a certain point in time. I am talking about any war in the known American history. All of it was about religion.Oh, but the civil war was about slavery. Yes it was, but it also was about society, about different religions, about work and payments, it was about different living situations, it was more than slavery. The revolution, freedom of religion. WW2: Religion with Judaism being put under a genocide. Have we not learned any lessons over anything?The question as the caption of this photo: Do you support this parent's decision? No, I do not. Why? The child is learning of another religion briefly, not in its entirety. It is up to the child to learn more about the religion and to talk to their family about learning more after the fact of the actual school work. If the child's parents says that they cannot learn of this subject, as in school work or not, then the child will be failing school. Religion is in history, god damn it. History is in religion. We have many different religions in the god damn Bible, and same thing in the holy books of Islam and Judaism (I do not know if Hinduism or Buddhism has holy books, and most pagan religions that I know of are more of a do it yourself enrollment).This was a rant, but that is because I go to a Christian college. I understand very little, if at all, of any religion. Only thing that I was searching while typing this was statistics, and I could not find much because of how biased the world is with this. Get the fuck over yourself, and let people be people. Let everyone have their own free mind. If you do not want your child to learn about a religion, shut the fuck up. It is only a week of their life that is spent studying on one religion. They are already stuck in their own for a predetermined amount of time already. As soon as they are out of your house, they can see what or who they want to believe in.TD:LR----- Religion is different. Be nice, and let the damn child learn!!!