Chapter 2- Hair Back, Collar Up, Jet Black So Cool

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The next morning, I woke up early feeling hopeful. I took more deep breaths again to prepare for the day ahead, just like Kobra Kid helped me to do last night. I headed out to the table and saw the guys sitting there, drinking coffee. "Mornin' Fireball," said Poison with a smile. "Want coffee?"
          "Good morning," I said back with another smile, then shrugged my shoulders as I sat down next to Kobra. "And sure, I guess I'll try some."
          "Got you covered!" exclaimed Jet. "I'll make it sweet for you because plain coffee is boring." So, he got up, poured coffee from the pot into a mug, and mixed some sugar and milk, which the Killjoys had smuggled last night, into it. He handed it to me, and it was hot. I dramatically blew into the cup, which the others found funny.
          "It takes a little while to get used to, doesn't it?" asked Ghoul. "You'll get there, kiddo. Not just with coffee, but this life we live."
          I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. But I don't even know how to shoot a ray gun yet."
          "You'll get there, too. We'll show you today before we head out to fight because that's kind of what we do every day," said Kobra with a laugh.
          "Duh," joked Poison. "Well, Fireball. What about you? We didn't really get to know you too well apart from seeing who you want to be."

I laughed. "Well," I started, "If I told you all about myself, I would be trauma-dumping. But I will tell you that, before the Fires happened and everything went to shit, I was the quiet, nerdy kid. I loved music and also reading, drawing, and writing. And then I barely did it anymore after the Fires because my parents suddenly decided that they hated all those things."
          "Interesting," said Jet with a nod. "We enjoy music and art too. And you weren't allowed to do those things just because they didn't like it?"
          I gave a sarcastic smile. "Yep. But seriously, I would love to try getting more into that stuff now that I don't live with them anymore."
          "Of course, yeah! But we have a battle to fight!" Poison exclaimed, very energetic.
          "You're so high on caffeine, bro," laughed Kobra. "It baffles me how you can drink three cups of coffee in one sitting without getting sick."
          "Says the one who drinks coffee right before bed without staying up all night."
          "That's because it's decaf."
          "Oh shit. Welp, are we ready to head out?"
          "Bro, she has to get her outfit and learn how to shoot first."
          "Oh... duh."

After coffee, Poison led me to the closet. It was full of many colorful clothes, shoes, masks, and accessories. "Have fun," he said. That's when I looked through the closet at everything. It didn't take long to find nearly exactly what I was looking for: the sparkling red top, red skirt, red mask, black leggings, black leather jacket, and black combat boots.
          I went back to the table to show the team what I picked out. "Oooh," Kobra let out. "Totally try those on!"
          "But wait!" exclaimed Poison, running to the closet. "She needs some hair stuff!" He came back with two black hair ties and two red bows.
          "Oh, yes! Thanks Poison," I gushed as I ran to the bathroom with all my things. I changed into my new outfit, looked in the mirror to finally love myself for once, and quickly put my hair into two pigtails, attaching the little red bows to the hair ties. Then finally, I put on the mask.
          I am a fireball. I am so cool but so hot. I burn bright now; I am who I was meant to be. I've never felt so confident in myself. So, I walked out of the bathroom with a catwalk strut.
          "Woo! You look awesome!" exclaimed Kobra, giving me a high-five. The others gave me high-fives too.
          Jet handed me a small red ray gun from the wall of weapons. "And there's your weapon. You are ready to practice, girl."
          Then the five of us headed to a small garage ride beside the diner. There was a large open space, another wall of weapons, and cardboard cutout models of Draculoids with targets in the center of their chests. I knew what to do for some reason: stand behind the line of tape, aim my gun for the target, then shoot at it. "Dang girl you pick up on things so quick! Just remember to keep your shooting arm out straight, your posture nice and upright, and eyes directly into the target... or into its eyes," pointed out Ghoul.
          They watched me take over the targets with ease, shooting each one down. Not all the shots hit directly into the target, but close by. I did manage to shoot one down in the face. Meanwhile, the Killjoys cheered me on and clapped for me. It wasn't long before I got the hang of it.
          "I think you're ready to head out for the kill today!" Kobra gushed. "You are doing great!"
          "Yeah, let's go!" exclaimed Poison. Then there was a knock on the garage door. Poison went to get it, and there was a man in a wheelchair with sunglasses on and a small radio, and a young girl with curly hair like Jet's. She looked to be about nine.

The man in the wheelchair turned out to be Dr. Death Defying, or Dr. D, who ran a nearby radio station. And the young girl turned out to be Missile Kid, or Kid, who this Killjoy family and Dr. D were looking after. I took some time to introduce myself to both of them, immediately getting along with Kid. "Fireball Frenzy!!! I love your name!!!" she exclaimed.
          "Why thank you, Kid. Your name is awesome too," I told her. We both laughed and smiled at each other. She was already like a little sister to me.
          "The danger forecast is mild today, guys. But still have a good lookout! You never know what could be looking right at you," said Dr. D.
          Kid joined the Killjoys and me now, then the six of us got ready to hop in the car. "Be safe out there, newbie Fireball!" exclaimed Dr. D, waving at me as we headed out the door.
          "Are you ready, Jet?" asked Poison.
          "Yeah!" answered Jet.
          "How 'bout you, Ghoul?"
          "Oh I'm there, baby!" answered Ghoul.
          "How 'bout you, Kobra?"
          "Fuckin' ready!" Kobra answered, quieter than the rest.
          "How about you, Kid?"
          "Ready!" exclaimed Kid with a strong nod.
          "And how 'bout you, Fireball?"
          "I guess I'm fuckin' ready!" I exclaimed, just playing along.
          "Well, I think I'm alright!"

And we were off as Dr. D headed back to his radio station. The shooting from the car began, and my first day as a Killjoy would turn out to be a success. I'm just predicting. But the car ride was the best part, my first time getting to finally explore the desert and my first time in a long time listening to music. Although it was a tight fit in the car between Kobra and Kid, I had more fun than ever. Living as who I am at once.

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