Chapter 4- Everybody Hide

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The next few days were similar to yesterday: more Drac battles, adrenaline-inducing rides in the car and sessions of defending the Diner. I still couldn't seem to pinpoint where I could have known Rainbow from... or drive away the guilt of potentially being the reason why Kobra got injured when he saved my life the other day. Nonetheless, no one on the team showed me any animosity, judgment, or anything besides kindness.

Today we were in the car, driving and shooting along the way, when Dr. D made an announcement: "attention crash queens and motor babies! Tonight in the Zone Six Concert Dome, at six pm, we have Mad Gear and Missile Kid performing a show! This is a show you will not want to miss. For now keep your boots tight and your gun close because the traffic is high-risk today, but come out to the show to escape a while!"
          I liked the sound of that news. "We going to a show tonight, guys?" asked Poison. "It's been too long since we've been to a concert!"
          "Hell yeah!" exclaimed Ghoul. "We need a little fun."
          "Yes we do!" gushed Kid next to me. She recited a verse from an upbeat song, bobbing her head to it. The others sang along, but I could only sit there awkwardly because I didn't know it. Then we stopped. "It gets tiring to fight all the time."
          "It sure does, kiddo," Jet nodded in agreement. "So let's let loose."
          "Of course!" Kobra jumped in. "Fireball, are you up for a concert? They're a great band."
          I nodded excitedly, knowing that it would be the first time I've heard any music since before BL/Ind formed. "Absolutely! I'm always up for one... even though I've never been to one." I chuckled.
          "Girl, trust me," replied Kobra, "you'll fit right in and you'll love it. Since you did say you like music, this would be perfect for you."
          I smiled and nodded. "Okay. I would love that."

We continued the rest of the afternoon driving around and battling, when we came across Rainbow again. That's when I found out where recognized her from! Those eyes, that hairstyle, and that love for rainbows. It was just a more grown-up version of those nearly exact features. Who did I recognize her as? My childhood best friend from when we were in first grade and second grade together!
          She was driving her rainbow-colored motorcycle (I recognized that too from when we were friends way back), and stopped with us at a battlefield in Zone Four for another adrenaline-inducing fight. After the battle was when I addressed Rainbow as I handed her a bottle of water: "You want to know where I think I know you from, Rainbow?"
          She grinned. "I was gonna ask you the same thing."
          "Really! I was gonna say that you look exactly like a grown-up version of my childhood best friend. I just knew there was something hugely familiar about you."
          "I was gonna say the same thing!"
          "We were literally best friends in elementary school!"
          "I know! That's where I know you from!"
          I gave her a hug, as she did for me, and the other Killjoys gave us "aww's" and clapped for us, and especially for me reuniting with my old friend after so many years.
          "Rainbow, you wanna join us at Mad Gear and Missile Kid's show tonight?" asked Poison, elated.
          "I would love to!" she exclaimed. "Perfect way to spend some time to connect with my best friend."

Before we knew it, we were at the Zone Six Concert Dome with the rest of the crowd. The sun had just began to set, and the stars just beginning to appear. Our team got a good spot near the front where we could see and hear the band well. Soon enough, the band came out, greeted everyone, and began playing their music. Mad Gear sang and played the electric guitar, while Missile Kid played the drums.
          It was a dream; I had fun with my old best friend (as if we were in first and second grade again, best friends like before, but closer) and my new best friends, enjoying the music and jumping and dancing around. I wanted to live this life of going to concerts every day, but I still knew I couldn't because I'm in the desert for a reason.

About halfway through (an hour in), however, the music stopped and the lead singer began shooting at something on the side of the stage. Scarecrows. That first shot made us all realize that there was a huge army of Scarecrows sneaking up behind us, behind the stage, and on all sides of the dome. Things only escalated more quickly from there, into a battle among all the Killjoys, including the band, versus the invading Scarecrows. I stayed close to Rainbow and Kobra most of the time, as everyone had to split up to help alleviate the damage.

Then there was my moment. My moment to save Kobra's life in return. I noticed that there was a surrounding of Scarecrows around him, and then I worked to shoot down all the Scarecrows, to get them out of the way to save Kobra, which resulted in me injuring my ankle. I didn't realize that I couldn't walk by myself until after the Scarecrows were mostly gone and dead, or when the Dome blew up probably because of a little bomb that one of them placed behind the stage and set off. "Everybody run and hide your body from the Scarecrows!!!" Poison yelled out to everyone.
          The Dome blew up into flames and smoke, killing off many of the Scarecrows who couldn't run away from it in time. Unfortunately, no matter how hard anyone who was at the Dome tonight tried to defend one another, some other Killjoys lost their lives too. I did not know most of them well, but I still felt so sad for them. Still knowing that early, violent death is that one experience which is so sadly normal nowadays. Luckily, our team made it out alive and still helped out other groups of Killjoys to escape. Well... I only made it out with one working leg.

I still felt as if it was my fault for Kobra getting injured while saving my life the other day, even though I had just done the same thing for him. So it's a bit less but still there. On our way to the car, which was parked far away from the blown-up dome, Kobra and Rainbow both walked me to the car. "Wow, Fireball" said Kobra, "thank you. So, so much, for saving my life out there. I can't say it enough, you're so awesome."
          "Oooh, stop it," I joked. Then I got serious again. "But really, it's no problem. You did do the same for me anyways." He then gave me a side hug as we got into the car, and Rainbow got onto her motorcycle. We drove away from the scene as soon as the Scarecrows were all either dead or gone from the area.

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