Chapter 7- Make Room; Boots Tight Gun Close

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About a Week Later

Break day has been done, fun has been had, and this past week and the next however many weeks are for fighting. I've taken a breath, as I do each night before going to bed and every morning after I wake up, just to prepare. Preparing to eventually lead. I don't wanna die, but I do wanna change the world. Is it possible to both stay alive and change the world?

Early on into our team's morning coffee, there was a knock on the door. "Who's got it?" asked Poison.
          "I got it!" I agreed. I cautiously walked over to the front door and slowly opened it. But as soon as I did, a mob of Dracs AND Scarecrows came bursting in, invading the diner and making a mess. "I stood scared against the wall and screamed, "holy hell!"
          As I was screaming it, the rest came running to my defense. We grabbed our guns from the weapon wall and immediately started fighting and shooting. It sucks that this Diner has no windows on the front now because we wouldn't have gotten into this mess.
          Later on in the battle, one Scarecrow poured my own cup of coffee into my face, burning it. Then they attempted to pour some of the hot coffee onto the others, but to no avail. How could I fight and heal my face at the same time? AND get through this mess of dead guys?

I can deal with it later; it'll be alright. I'll handle the burn. Just fight now. I managed to blurt out in the messy, bloody room, "kick the dead ones to the side for now! So we have to make room!"
          And suddenly, the others started to. I did so as well, not bothered at all in the moment by my burning face. Jumping and rolling to avoid being shot, probably pushing myself too hard but I don't care. "Open the door and kick them outta here!" Ghoul shouted. So Kid went to open the door for Jet and Kobra to kick the dead ones out the door as I kicked them to the side. I kept on killing and being happy with how impressed Kobra looked at my new martial arts skills.

Soon enough, we managed to kill all the Dracs and Scarecrows inside... with a huge mess to clean up still. I was so focused on fighting that I didn't keep track. "Hey Fireball, nice job in that fight!" exclaimed Kobra, giving me a high-five. "You killed the most out of all of us, that was really impressive."
          I gave him a smile, little chuckle, and a "thank you. I'm doing my best."
          "I can see that! How's your face after that one poured the coffee all over it?"
          "Now that my adrenaline from the fight is down, I notice it hurting so much more," I said with an "ow" and feeling the burns.
          "Here, let me treat them real quick," Jet said, grabbing the first-aid kit from the cabinet and directing me over to the sink.

Then there was another knock on the door while Jet was treating my face of coffee burns, this one louder than the first. "Oh dear God, who is it now?" Poison wondered out loud. They then opened the door to a bald man, dressed in all white. Poison gave him a dirty stare. "Korse."
          "Party Poison," said the man, giving the same stare back. "We need your brother."
          "What the hell do you need me for!?" Kobra exclaimed to Korse.
          Korse gave an evil smile. "Well this new girl is our most wanted, and you seem to be her new best friend from our spies. So why not take her supposed illegal best friend?"
          "If you're gonna be evil," sassed Poison, "at least be better at it. You're not good at being evil when you make your plans so blatant."
          "Yeah yeah whatever. I'm still taking your brother."
          Kobra began to fight Korse away, but to no avail because some other alive Scarecrows managed to pick him up. "Put him down!" Ghoul screamed as the rest of us tried, but ultimately failed at, fighting back to save my best friend.
          "No, Korse!" exclaimed Kid.

And all of a sudden, Kobes was taken away by Korse and the Scarecrows. Immediately, the rest of us looked at one another with the plan to save him. We headed outside, where the car was, and Ghoul directed me to a section of the garage with a motorcycle. "Can you drive this? I think Kobes will be happy to see this old thing again."
          "I think so," I asserted, carrying the white motorbike out next to the car. I sat in the front, turned the key, and quickly got myself familiar with the workings of the bike. I managed to keep up just a little behind the others in the car on the bike, which I actually had a bit of fun driving.

Soon enough, we reached it: the BL/Ind building. Huge and "grand," but no emotion or hope inside of it. We parked the vehicles and snuck quietly into the building, silently checking every room we could for wherever Kobra could be kept. Who knows what they're doing to him?
          Walking through corridors and corridors and flight of stairs after flight of stairs, we finally found it. The torture room. Ghoul creaked open the door for us to see Kobra fighting martial-arts- and gun-style against my parents, who I assumed were trying to restrain him earlier. So we decided to help him out a little bit, avoiding my dangerous parents and the dangerous Korse and other workers. Keeping my boots tight and gun close, I also joined in with the martial arts to finally "stand up to" my parents. In some way.
          "Lucy!?" blurted out my father.
          "Yeah, I'm here. I came to rescue my new. Best. Friend."
          "I thought we told you to stay away from these people!?" yelled my mother with an attempted punch in my face, which I dodged.
          "That's exactly why I'm with them now."
          The wrestling and fighting continued on, which took about another half-hour to end. Damn I just shot my mother, while Poison shot my father. Neither of them were fatal shots, but enough to drain them enough to give up. Then quickly, we led Kobra out of the building and quickly drove back home to temporary safety.

"Damn girl, you done did it," said Kobra to me as we cleaned up the bloody mess in the diner from earlier. "And I'm thankful for my best friend. For all my best friends right here in this room, really."
          "Don't get all sappy on us now, Kobra," sassed Kid. We burst out into laughs as she said that, just before the mess was about finished being cleaned up.

Perfect way to end the productive, hard day.

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