Chapter 13

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As Haruto left him mid lunch, Jeongwoo was sitting with knitted brows, thinking how his friend's encounter with Doyoung could be going. Although they would never admit, they were the ones who understood each other the best. Sometimes even more than their parents, that's how strong of a bond they shared.

Jeongwoo had known for a while, how badly Haruto loved Doyoung. If Jeongwoo was his anchor, Doyoung was definitely the pole star he was following. His world revolved around the bubbly elder. And it immensely hurt him if Doyoung said anything bad to him. It hurt him even more if Doyoung was the one getting hurt.

Doyoung took him away with that serious look on his face, something must have happened, right? Were they gonna fight? But as much as Jeongwoo knew, Haruto would never hurt Doyoung. At most, he'd be the one hurting instead. It worried Jeongwoo. He wished nothing out of expectation happened.

Jeongwoo has a funny habit. When he gets busy imagining several what if's, knitting together his own imaginary train of events one by one, his brows come together, lips part slightly, eyes narrowed. It seems as if he were given a decade long unsolved mystery, and that he's unraveling all the clues he gathered. He looks so serious at that time! As he was thinking about his best friend's upcoming fate, he looked exactly like that, the brilliant detective from a crime thriller. It absolutely startled him when out of nowhere, a hand was shoved right before his face, holding a drink.

Jeongwoo trembled, and the person holding the can laughed. Jeongwoo looked at his face at that sound, and was even more surprised.

It was none other that Junkyu, the untouchable, unreachable hot guy.

"You looked like you needed it. Didn't know it'd scare you this much!" Junkyu chuckled. Jeongwoo was yet to process everything. So, he shook his hand holding the drink, "Here, take it. It's for you."

Jeongwoo obliged like a possessed fool. Junkyu let out another soft chuckle watching him. "Yah, why are you so surprised?"

"J-Junkyu hyung, why are you here?" Jeongwoo asked, cursed himself internally for stuttering.

"Well, you looked lonely, so I thought I'd accompany you." Junkyu spoke casually. Oh if anyone knew! How nervous he was actually being!

"Oh... Right." Jeongwoo mumbled. He suddenly felt small, exposed, yet his heart was beating way too fast.

"So, what happened? Why did you look so stressed out?" Asked Junkyu, after he seated himself down right next to Jeongwoo.

"Oh it's... Haruto." Jeongwoo murmured.

"Hm? What about him?" Junkyu asked again. He looked eager to know the answer, his twinkling round eyes wide open. He looked very cute.

"He's probably having a fight with Doyoung..." Jeongwoo looked worried.

"They're friends, they'll solve it." Stated Junkyu.

"No, but- it really hurts Ruto."

Junkyu looked at Jeongwoo in question, "Hey, do you... By any chance..." He took time to ask the question. To anyone watching, it might seem like he was coolly handling it, but the sudden pause explained how terrible he was feeling inside. He was so afraid to ask the question because he was afraid to hear a yes.

"Do you like Haruto?" Junkyu finished asking at last. His heart was pounding hard. For the first time, it was showing, that he dreaded an affirmative reply.

"Huh?" Jeongwoo asked. He stared right in Junkyu's eyes, then, shocking him like never before, he said, "Yes."

The glow from Junkyu's face was gone. His smile somewhat still there, but it was a fake one. A camouflage to the shattering inside him. "Oh... I see."

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