Airplane Nooky

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It's already 4 in the afternoon and Tzuyu fetched his wife at the hospital after their observation. Sana's face bright up when she saw Tzuyu standing at the side of the car while holding three tulips flowers on his hands while smiling lovingly. He is so tall and neat. His sunglasses is perfect fit to him. Sana approach her handsome husband and kiss his lips at once.

"You smell nice my love" Sana said after taking the flowers and smell it. "How do you know tulips are my favorite?"

"I'm your husband, I should know whatever you like."

Her face is starting to heat up so Tzuyu pinch it and giggled.

"You're cute when you blush my love... Let's go?"

Tzuyu open the door for his queen. But after he close it, a sudden attack from behind startled him. His ear was pulled up by his sister. "Ouch!" He groaned, then Jihyo let go.

"Jihyo? I thought you left with Nayeon?" Sana asked by the window.

"Nayeon volunteered herself to get the car at the basement, I don't know why she's taking so long." She paused and look at her brother. "Where are you taking Sana? Why you dress so neatly? Are you both going on a date? and where's my nephew?" Jihyo fired up him questions that made him scratch his nape.

"Noona please take it easy. I know you're mad at me because I did not tell you about my new job. This is not the right time to scold me, maybe tomorrow. And YES noona! I'm going to date my wife tonight. And gladly we met cause I'll ask you a favor... if you can take care little Tannie just for tonight?"

"Yes of course bro." A sudden change of mood of his sister. He predicted it. Then suddenly nayeon walk in with a smile on her face again while playing the car keys in her hands. "Ooh I heard a date... Sana don't forget what I told you yesterday about the... you know." Sana's face is turning red again. This is embarrassing. She clearly remember what naughty Nayeon have said. 'Never forget to bring box of condom with you' Sana groaned in silence.

Suddenly, a passing car on speed almost hit Jihyo and Nayeon. Gladly, Tzuyu with fast reflexes he manage to haul his sister and Nayeon away. Both woman gasped in surprised. "What the hell was that?!" Sana exclaimed. Tzuyu didn't saw the plate number as the car revved up. "Are you okay Noona? Nayeon Noona?" Tzuyu was so worried. Sana furrowed her brows when she thinks the car was familiar. Sana want to get out from the car but her husband told her to stay. It's not safe.

Jihyo shake her head and came back to sense and grumbling. "WHAT A RECKLESS DRIVER!!! I ALMOST DIE!"

They ignore it cause maybe it's there fault cause they're chatting at the side of the road.

Some moments later, Tzuyu and Sana bid goodbyes to their son with his aunt Jihyo as what they asked earlier. Sana wearing skirts and a ruffled beige blouse that give her a stunning look.

Jihyo lift the little kid to put him on her lap. "Tannie? Aunt Jihyo will take care of you tonight okay? B'coz mummy and daddy will make another Tannie"



The couple exclaimed in sync.

"More Tannie?" Jihyo nodded while ignoring them. "Auntie Jihyo... Tannie don't like more Tannies"

Sana and Tzuyu look at each other communicating with their eyes.

"But, aunt Jihyo want more Tannies" she pouted.

"Oh my god Jihyo, please stop that." Sana creased her forehead. She's start thinking if this is a good idea to let Jihyo take care of her son. She might teach him do foolish things or do tricks or something.

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