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Nayeon huffed from her seat while scrolling through her phone. They were waiting for Professor Chou for their Advanced Biochemistry class. Jihyo and Sana snapped at Nayeon curiously. She then showed the article while her other hand covered her mouth flustered.

'Businessman Kim Choon Jae is under investigation after several complaints were filed against him. Furthermore, three (3) women from his company filed a complaint about sexual harassment and physical violence against him... (click for more details...)'

"He made it to the news headline" Jihyo mumbled. "Gosh Sana, thank God you didn't marry that psychopath" Jihyo continues.

"I hope he will be jailed this time" Nayeon said.

Sana was just shocked. Suddenly, she got chills running all over her body. She can't believe that she fell in love with a sex maniac and a psychopath. She's confused since when they were together she didn't hear bad reviews from Choon Jae.

'The victim finally speak up after how many was stated that Mr.Kim bribe them with Money or to remove them from work if they will complain...' Nayeon continues reading the article.

Sana just covered her face with both hands and was ready to shed tears. Unbelievable. Did Tzuyu really come at a perfect time? Did he save Sana? God knows how this happened. She was so thankful for that.

Someone interrupt her when another bouquet was placed in front of her. She immediately wipe her tears and composed herself. "Where is this coming from?" She asked the junior student who brought her flowers almost every day.

"It's the same person Miss Sana, I don't know his name. May I go now?" He hastily said. Sana nodded and he immediately exit the room.

Sana read the note and it says, 'I'm really in trouble right now, but seeing you smile always makes me feel better. Be mine.' Love, Unknown.'

Sana was about to reap the letter when Jihyo snatched it from her hands. "Oops. Let me read this first" she said. Sana was stressing herself hearing the news and now adding the creepy letter. She doesn't know what to do anymore.

Suddenly, Tzuyu entered the room. As usual, he was neat and clean, his hair was neatly combed as well. His face is fresh and his lips are naturally red. Her husband's presence somehow makess her feel at ease. Tzuyu is her comfort. But the face of worried still plastered on her face. She knows Tzuyu would be so worried too about what's bugging her mind so she tries to act normal.

"Sis, I really don't like today's letter... I have a bad feeling" Jihyo whispered but Sana was too focus on Tzuyu discussing the new topic.

After a moment, during the class Professor Chou ask someone to volunteer to solve the problem, written on the board.

'Calculate the pH of the following mixtures: a) 1M acetic acid and 0.5M sodium acetate. b) 0.3M phosphoric acid and 0.8M KH2PO4 (pKa=2.14)'

There was silence for a moment until Sana raise her hand. Tzuyu secretly smile when Sana volunteered herself to answer this tough question. He couldn't be more proud of her wife.

Tzuyu took the empty seat at the back while Sana solved the question on the board. A perfect physique from her back really made Tzuyu gulped unintentionally. His wife is definitely the hottest human being he has ever seen.

It took several minutes to expand the formulation along with the board before Sana solved the problem swiftly and skillfully. The other students left astonished seeing how Sana solve it as a piece of cake. Tzuyu came to the board and scrutinized Sana's work with no exceptions.

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