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It's Sunday afternoon and the sun is streaking down the sloping strip of white sand in front of Chou's beach house. The sky is bright as the ocean's glistened from the sunlight. It was crystal clear water, calm and peaceful. The summer vibes is on for the group of people who just arrived to the place. They fixed their things first inside the house that has only two bedrooms in it. The decision has made that the two rooms are to be use for the ladies and the newlywed, while the boys will use the airbed mattresses that will be place at the living room at night.

The people inside are bustling around and some are probably tired from the long way travel.

The ladies are resting to their room, Dahyun and Jeongyeon are preparing the table while Tzuyu and Chaeng start the fire for the grill later.

Tzuyu's sister Jihyo will catch up on the last day since their Dad ask her to run some errands for the company at the same time baby sitting Tannie. Further, Tan will come with his aunt Jihyo at the beach house as ordered by Tzuyu without Sana's knowledge.

"Here we go, the fire is ready. Jeong can you get the marinated lamb meat at the kitchen?" Tzuyu asked and he obliged immediately. Dahyun turn on the stereo and start playing a song matching the vibes. It's almost sunset and the ladies will be up for dinner.

"So Chaeng, how was your first night being a husband? I mean I know the feeling but I want to hear yours" Tzuyu start interrogating Chaeng for the first time since he tied up. He miss the chance to talk to him while on travel since Sana never left his side and just clinging to him the whole travel.

"Not bad. It's not what you thinking bro, we haven't done anything on our first night as a married couple since Mina was drunk last night. So, nope. We haven't had sex yet"

Dahyun chuckles at the side while listening too. "and now we are stealing your time to be with us bro? Is that okay with you? I mean you should have supposed to be on honeymoon right now" Dahyun said.

"It's okay bro. We can have our honeymoon as long as we want after this but for now helping a friend is our main priority." Chaeng winked to Tzuyu and smile slyly.

Tzuyu just chuckles. Meanwhile, Jeongyeon arrived with a large container of marinated lamb meat on his hands. "Ugh! Heavy. Here you go." Jeongyeon put the container on the table and watch Tzuyu putting the meat on the rack. "and oh by the way, the ladies may be awake. I heard some voices from their room"

Before Tzuyu answer Chaeyoung speak first. "Wait, the rooms are not soundproof?"

Tzuyu and Dahyun teasingly smile to him and that alone made Chaeng blush and his face is turning red instantly.

"Yes bro. Unfortunately not. If your thinking what we're thinking then we don't care. You can make noise as loud as you can. Right Dahyun?"

"Damn bro. Shut up! That's not what I mean it's jus~" Chaeng was cut with his supposed to be defenses when the ladies popped out from the main door and join them at the patio. Chaeng's face is still flushing red and try to hide it but failed when Mina cupped his chin worried and jerk it to her.

"What's wrong with your face? Did you eat shrimp? Is your allergy attacking you again? Wait here am I gonna get your medicine" Chaeng stopped her when she's about to turn. He glance to Tzuyu, Jeongyeon and Dahyun's direction and sure they have fun watching him embarrassed. He snap back to Mina and said that he's fine but Mina didn't buy it so she dragged Chaeng inside by force.

Sana glance at Tzuyu and put his lips together to stop from laughing. Sana came close to him and poke his hips. "You're naughty and you smell... *sniff* not nice" Sana whispered.

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