She's Drunk

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10 pm, Club

Kim Dahyun lead the way to the upstairs table all the way end of the floor it was a most private and spacious VIP section. There was an excessive U-shape black leather couch that could sit more or less 15 people and a large glass table in the middle. From that area, you could have an aerial view of the entire club right from the glass mezzanine barriers. The club is large enough to cater to hundreds of party-goers each night. Designed mostly with electron neon lights. The VIP area is shed with warm lights compared to the lower floor which is almost covered with dark and only lights and large disco balls dancing on the dance floor illuminate the spot.

"Wow Dahyun, you owned this place?" Chaeyoung exclaimed while checking the whole place from the glass barriers.

Dahyun just nodded in response. A lady named Riley approached them and three other voluptuous women with her. Tzuyu guess they are the service girls and tabled the guests. They were wearing revealing tight dresses with bold make-up on. Dahyun asks the ladies to join them and sit beside each man.

Tzuyu lean closer to Dahyun and whispered "Bro, I was not informed we have these ladies with us tonight"

"Oh. Is that bad? I mean they are just here for spice. No big deal bro. I can have yours if you don't like it. And also I will give you Riley, she's the favorite amongst the favorite, she's good bro" Dahyun slyly smile, that somehow annoyed Tzuyu inside.

The fact that only Tzuyu is married among them though Dahyun said he have a girlfriend, Chaeng is engaged and only Jeongyeon is technically legally allowed of this kind of activity. But, as expected to Kim Dahyun he was known as a heart breaker once together with Jeongyeon during the middle school. Don't forget they constrained Tzuyu to do an act that he strongly disagree and that happened a few years ago at the prom which he got to drink alcoholic beverages and he thought that's enough swayed and he won't let them to go beyond that.

"C'mon bro, just for tonight" Dahyun slightly frustrated that Tzuyu is still the person who reject his silly tricks even before.

He tugged along not because he like it too but it's for Dahyun's deference. The lady named Riley got the signal from Dahyun by jerking his head to sit with Tzuyu. She's friendly, have a bright smile, sexy and beautiful and by judging her, she sure have a dibs on Tzuyu the first time she lay her eyes on him. Her pupils are dilated, it showed from her actions that she really like Tzuyu eagerly but Tzuyu didn't even pay attention to her yet the lady did her best to show her charm to Tzuyu by sliding her hands to his veiny arms but failed.

The DJ played an EDM in full max volume to hyped up the crowd. It was loud and chaotic for a person who barely go places like this. While his friends are enjoying their ladies company, Tzuyu is the opposite. He's the one who pour his own glass with ardbeg whisky and sometimes pour the glass for the woman next to him. Riley may reckoned him as the most boring person she tabled, then called it. Tzuyu didn't mind at all. He just hang his arm to the back rest of the sofa and just observed his friends. He play it cool when suddenly, Riley run her fingers to Tzuyu's waist so quickly dodged it in disgust like some kind of allergic of someone's touch. It's kinda offended for the lady so she just sit still arm folded and pouted. She conceded.

Dahyun has the lady sit on his lap while boozing up, Jeongyeon is flirting and Chaeng casually smiling while having conversations with the lady next to him.

The clock is hitting midnight and the ladies including Riley started to dance sexy and daring, and sit on someone's lap particularly to Dahyun and Jeongyeon and sometimes grind her ass to them. Tzuyu just watching them enjoying their fun time. He just shake his head in displeased and just pour another whisky to his own glass.

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