MiChaeng Wed

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"Baby enough, you'll be late... Aaah" Tzuyu groaned from a sudden and powerful release of sexual tension. Sana won't stop grinding after the fourth release of orgasm, she's unstoppable in this state.

It's six o'clock in the morning and the examination call time is at 8. When Sana wakes up at 5, she starts caressing Tzuyu's body while he's sleeping but when her hands go down further and slide inside his boxer short, he wakes up surprised. Sana keep massaging his member until Tzuyu is turning on.

"A little...nnnggh bit" she muttered.

Tzuyu's energy was consumed and his body began to tremble, he want to stop but Sana won't let him. She does most of the work and her energy is incredible it's constant from the start.

"Aaah.. what's...with you love? You're so horny these days?... Aaah" Tzuyu while catching air.

"Shut up...I can't concentrate" She said in conviction and continue her pace. "I'm reviewing inside my mind" she continue.

Tzuyu was out of words for this confession. He can't think straight too since he was penetrated hard and anytime his mind will blow. She's untamed. Then suddenly a knock on the door disrupts them, "SANA! LET'S GO!" Jihyo slightly raise her voice so Sana could hear.

"Baby..." Tzuyu muttered.

"I'm coming..." Sana was out of breath and cupped Tzuyu's face. "I'M COMING!!!" She yelled back for Jihyo to hear.

Same words defined different situations. Sana let out a loud whimper when she was on the brink of another orgasm. She slowed her pace and a white thick liquid squirted from her cunt that poured down to Tzuyu's swelling member. She pulled it out finally and go straight to the bathroom to take a shower while Tzuyu was in his worst situation. He was panting. Left helpless lying on the bed.

A while later, Sana got out from the shower and direct to the closet hurriedly. She glances at Tzuyu sitting on the bed still naked and just cover his lower part with a blanket while leaning on the headboard. She just smirk when Tzuyu glared at her.

"Why are you mad?" There's a tease in her voice followed by a giggle. Tzuyu didn't respond.

After Sana was done with makeup and everything, she then sit next to Tzuyu and hugged him sideways. "Don't be mad at me please" she cooed. Still, Tzuyu didn't respond. "Can I take a look?" She continue and remove the blanket that covered his lower part and she bite her lips and was oddly amuse at what she had done with Tzuyu's penis. It's reddened and swollen.

"Aw baby, this must be so painful" she teases and caress Tzuyu's cheek and smirk again. The unexpected happened next when Sana lean down a kissed the tip of it while her eyes are seducing Tzuyu again, she then crawled up and give a long lick to Tzuyu's cheek. "Sorry baby, I really have to go. Take a rest" She said and finally leave like she had done nothing.

He can't still process what just happened. Sana is being extra horny and he's not ready for it. He felt like a victim of sexual abuse by his wife. He deep sighed and covered his face with the blanket and screamed just to release the tension. He felt defeated from the battle.

Chou Mansion, 6 pm

Tzuyu just woke up and was able to recover his strength. He took a shower and go downstairs to eat his first meal of the day obviously missed breakfast and lunch. His parents and Tannie were there eating their dinner as well. He first approached his son and kiss him on the head. The kid surely miss his father as he was asking for a lift. Tzuyu holds him and sits him on his lap while eating his meal at the same time feeding Tannie.

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