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Two weeks later

Tzuyu is finally free from the machine attached to him, he was recovering fast than the doctor's expectations. He was scheduled to transfer and will be placed in the VIP recovery room until he woke up anytime later.

"Tannie, get off from Daddy" Jihyo calmly said.

"NO!" he bluntly said and hugged his father who is lying on the hospital gurney.

"I'm sorry nurse but I think he won't let go of his father"

"It's okay Maam, just hold him so he won't fall" the nurse said.

They pushed the gurney on the way to the VIP room. Tan seemed enjoying his ride, "Daddy look at me, I'm flying" the kid spread his arm while the bed is moving, and Jihyo hold him not to fall. "Careful Tan, your mommy will get so mad at me if you fall" she said. The kid sit down to the side of Tzuyu, and he behaved.

Meanwhile, Sana is still confined in the hospital. Though she's almost fine, the trauma from that day is still hunting her, the gunshot that corrupted her mind and... the miscarriage. Even though the doctor advised that she can go home and rest but Sana refused, she prefer to stay in the hospital bed rather than go home without Tzuyu.

"Sana? Tzuyu got out from the ICU and he will be transferred adjacent to your room. Isn't that great? You can visit him anytime you want" Nayeon speak. Nayeon, Mina, and Chaeyoung visit them almost every day to check on them.

Sana didn't respond. She barely talks in a sentence. Sometimes she just nods and shakes her head. That was her improvement compared to the last two weeks since the incident happened.

"Do you know? Our results got out last night? And guess what?" Nayeon continues.

Sana looked at her with empty emotion, but she was anticipating Nayeon to speak.

"You got the highest rate, you're the top 1 Sana! I know you will rank 1 from the beginning. We're doctors now! Jihyo was in the top 2! I know my besties would nail it! Congratulations to us!" Nayeon tried to cheer her up but Sana just smile slyly before she replies.

"Congratulations" Sana said plainly.

"You know what Sana? This is a big celebration! When Tzuyu wakes up, I know he will be the happiest." Chaeng utter.

Sana didn't respond and lie down facing her back to them.

"I think we should leave her alone and let her rest" Nayeon said and they go out of the room to give her space.

Sana maybe still mourning her miscarriage. So being happy or celebrating is certainly not in her system yet, she's not ready. While her mind was clouded with the thought of the recent incident that happened to them, she sobbed and tears fell from her eyes. She's crying again. After several moments, the door cracked open so she immediately wipe her tears.

"Mommy? Are you crying again?" The kid asked and struggled to climb to her bed. Jihyo was there to the rescue, "Hey sister-in-law, how are you? Did you already hear the news?" We're doctors now! Lucky you, I got .8 points behind from yours, but anyway Congratulations to us for the job well done."

Sana sit on the bed and caressed Tannie's hair and cheeks. "Hm." A short hum which means she agrees.

"By the way, Tzuyu is in the other room just right in front of yours, you want to see him? The doctor said he's recovering fast than they expected. Your husband is a warrior Sis."

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