Self Sacrifice

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Deku was beginning to feel hopeless. His head flicked around as he saw other applicants scoring point after point destroying robots. There are going to be none left for me! And I can't just destroy one robot! If I use all-for-one on a single robot will I even be able to move at all afterwards?

Deku was snapped from his thoughts as he felt the ground shaking beneath him. Is it an earthquake? His attention was drawn to the monstrous figure before him as it blocked out the sun. It had to be a robot, hundreds of metres tall. It was so large that it had to hold the buildings apart to peer down at Deku. Isn't it a little too big?

The robot punched the ground, knocking Deku off his feet. It roused him from his frozen stature. He turned away from the robot in an effort to escape, but his panic made him fumble and he made no progress. It was at that moment that he heard a gasp behind him. Deku turned around slowly, petrified at what he might see.

It was the nice girl Deku had met previously. Deku's eyes widened as he saw her foot trapped under rubble. He immediately felt sorry for her as he remembered how the girl had stopped him from falling. His heart filled up with appreciation, and he knew in that moment that he couldn't not become a hero. Deku didn't care if he wasn't legally a hero yet. I have to save this girl!

As if a switch had flipped in his mind, Deku had jumped onto his feet and ran at the robot. His heart pounded with courage as he began activating one-for-all for the very first time. He could feel the energy rushing through his legs as he prepared to jump. In a split second he had leaped tens of metres into the air and began climbing altitude rapidly. He imagined himself punching the robot, clear in its massive head, and energy flooded his arm as well.

All-might's words reached Deku as he reached the robot's head. 'Squeeze your buttocks, and yell this in your heart - "SMASH".' With a powerful punch, Deku had created a huge crater in the robot's head.

But something felt wrong. The energy just kept on coming. Deku could feel it surging throughout his entire body. It was trying to escape, but when it reached his limbs it had nowhere to go. Pain suddenly ripped through Deku's limbs.

'AAAAAA!' Deku cried. The energy suddenly climaxed, and Deku felt his limbs rip off his body. The pain was so intense that Deku passed out immediately.


Shouting. Shouting all around me. Kissing on my limbs. What is going on?

Deku's eyes fluttered open to see himself in a hospital bed. A funny old women was kissing his limbs all over. But to Deku, they didn't seem like his limbs for some reason. She was barking at the people behind her as they continued giving her the same frantic commands repetitively.

All-might stood in-front of Deku's bed. The last thing Deku saw before passing out again was All-might saying something to Deku with a concerned expression, trying to get his attention.

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