First / Last Day

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'You can't put your feet on the desk, you delinquent!'

Bakugo glared up at Iida. 'Huh? Who do you think you are?'

Iida was shocked. Are these the kind of people the hero academy is accepting?

Their conversation stopped abruptly as the door opened. Deku rolled in at a drearily slow pace in an electric wheelchair. His arms and legs were missing and his body was strapped to the back of the wheelchair. It was designed for quadriplegic people.

Deku was met by the surprised faces of everyone in the classroom. He returned the gaze of his classmates wearily. As they met eye contact, Deku's classmates sheepishly averted their gaze. Iida frowned as he looked at the ground. Why would this boy explode himself just to get into the hero academy? Deku knew he was thinking it, along with every other class member.

'Oh,' said a surprised feminine voice behind Deku. Deku couldn't turn around to see who it was, but he knew it was the girl who saved him during the exam.

There was a moment of silence that fell on the entire classroom. Even Bakugo was silent, frowing darkly.

'It's not your fault,' Deku finally said to Uraraka. He had remembered Uraraka repeatedly apologising to him in the hospital, and had felt guilty for not responding to her at all.

Deku began moving forward, using his head to control the wheelchair, but immediately bumped into a desk in-front of him.

'Uh... let me help you,' Uraraka gestured. She used her quirk to make Deku float and carefully pushed Deku to his seat. This brought the interest of other people as they saw the versatility of Uraraka's quirk. Bakugo simply tusked in annoyance.

'Ok, lets get this started.' A dark figure walked wearily into the classroom, carrying a sleeping-bag in one hand and a nutrient drink in the other. He sucked on it before turning to the class. Somehow his mood seemed to darken even further as his eyes fell on Deku.

'Physical examination,' he snarled. 'Lets go outside.'


Baku launched a baseball at an incredible velocity.

This is it.

Iida raced across the track with his engine-legs.

I'm done for.

Mineta bounced so fast between his balls that he couldn't clearly be seen.

Everyone's going to do better than me. I can't even move without the help of this wheelchair! I needed Uraraka just to get to my seat in class! I'm not going to-

'Izumi!' Eraserhead called.

'Yes!' Deku chirped. He suddenly realized the entire class was looking at him. Everyone had thrown the ball except for him.

Izumi tilted his head down and the electric wheelchair creaked forward. He tried to ignore the irritated looks from his classmates.

'You know what, forget it,' Eraserhead said. Izumi reached for the ball, but quickly remembered that he didn't even have an arm to grab the ball.

'Phantom limb syndrome,' Eraserhead muttered, noticing Izumi trying to grab the ball. 'You still feel and think that you have limbs.'

Eraserhead sighed and made eye contact with Deku. His eyes were full of disappointment. 'Eventually you'll catch on. You'll realize how useless this quirk is, how useless it is for society, and how useless you are.'

Tears rose in Deku's eyes.

'You're out.'

'Wh- What?' Deku stuttered.

'One missing student and one failed student,' Eraserhead cursed, not caring to elaborate. 'What a great start to the year.'

Eraserhead dropped the ball in-front of Deku and walked off to the classroom. The rest of the class followed him. Iida and Uraraka hesitated before joining the rest, leaving Deku alone, strapped to a wheelchair.

Today had been a brief moment of hope for Deku. It was the only thing he was looking forward to after the many days he had spent sitting in the hospital. All-might had disappeared, leaving Deku feeling even more hopeless.

But now, that hope had been shattered completely. All Deku could do was cry as he sat in his wheelchair. Tears streamed down his cheeks and made his shirt wet. His wounds itched as tears soaked through his bandages.

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