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Naomasa Tsukauchi walked along a corridor with a smooth white surface. He smiled in excitement as he considered that this could be one big step towards solving the case. On the other hand, his assistant Hirokage, walking along side him, was frowning with doubt.

'So we're supposed to trust this inmate with a crucial part of the case?' Hirokage asked in disbelief.

'Just keep in mind that it's not the inmate we're getting information from,' Naomasa replied. 'It's their quirk that will really help us out.'

The two went through several more pat-downs and safety checks. Naomasa didn't mind the long process. He knew that the prison he was entering had a high level of security in place for dangerous quirks.

Eventually they made it to a small white room. It was fitted with CCTV cameras in the corners and a single white desk with chairs sat in the middle.

'We're ready,' Naomasa said, looking directly at one of the cameras. Within a few moments a second door opened and a tall security guard walked through. Following her, a teenage girl with blonde hair shuffled in. Her ankles were bound with chains, limiting her range of motion. She looked up at Naomasa with sickly yellow eyes and made a slight scowl.

'Hello, you must be Toka.'

'What do you want?' Toka asked.

'We're hoping you can help us out with an investigation.'

'What's in it for me?' Toka snarled.

'Depending on the result we can push to have your sentence shortened. I'm sure you want to be back with your family.'

Toka scoffed. But she looked more intrigued and receptive. 'You need my quirk, don't you.'


'You're trying to find a missing person.'

Hirokage's eyes widened as he realized Toka was quite intelligent. Or maybe this had happened many times before to her.

'Tsuyu Asui,' Naomasa confirmed.

Toka's frown broke suddenly, and slowly a wide, creepy smile came across her face. 'The frog?'

Hirokage was taken aback by the expression, but Naomasa seemed unphased from his experience dealing with inmates. In fact, he seemed relieved by the expression, knowing that Toka was willing to cooperate. He moved his briefcase onto his desk and clicked open the latches. He brought out a small Eppendorf tube and showed it to Toka. She looked at it curiously.

'This contains a sample of blood that we believe may belong to Tsuyu Asui.'

'Why didn't you jut use a DNA test?' Toka asked in suspicion.

'Because she's not really human, her genome is rampant with mutations and transgenes that make it difficult to identify a human. We can't tell if the genome is really hers or not.'

'Hmmm...' Toka said, with a curious tone. 'It's very clear, how much blood is even in there?'

'20 microlitres,' Naomasa confirmed.

'Toka looked down in thought. 'That's a very low amount.'

'Can you transform into her?' Naomasa asked.

Toka paused for a little while. Then she smiled creepily again and outstretched her hand towards Naomasa. Hirokage looked at him as he tried to see if Toka was overstretching her boundaries. Naomasa seemed undisturbed, though. Without a moment of hesitation he handed the tube over.

Toka giggled as she gave the tube a closer look. 'You know, they don't let me eat blood in here.'

Hirokage gulped nervously. Toka popped open the lid and poured the liquid into her mouth. Immediately after she swallowed it and paused to taste the liquid. She began blushing as she tasted the familiar flavour of blood. Her expression changed to excitement as she noticed other flavours in the blood.

'Chicken...' She murmured.

'What?' Hirokage shouted. Naomasa raised a hand to stop him. Hirokage looked over at Naomasa to see his eyes glinting. He was just as curious about what was happening as Toka. Hirokage turned slowly to see Toka and his eyes widened.

Toka's hair was flashing green. Suddenly her mouth widened, and the left corner of her mouth pointed downward. Her eyes widened dramatically and her eyes turned jet black. Her chin stretched out to match her wider mouth.

'Oh my god!' Hirokage exclaimed. 'It's her!'

As soon as the transformation happened, it had vanished again, leaving Toka in a daze with strongly flushed cheeks. Naomasa looked at the cameras, knowing the evidence would have been recorded.

'Thank you,' Naomasa said, bowing politely. 'I think it's in our best interests to continue working on cases like this.'

Toka giggled. 'I'd like some of that green-haired kid's blood.' She looked at the roof as she fantasized about drinking his blood.

'You mean Izumi?' Naomasa asked.

'Yes, that's him!' Toka grinned. 'You can get me some, right?'

'If it ever comes to that, we'd be happy to use your help.'

Naomasa headed for the exit and motioned Hirokage to join him. Before leaving, Hirokage got one final look at Toka out of curiousity. Her eyes were unfocused and she seemed in a deep state of pleasure as she rested her head on the desk.

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