Official Statement

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Flashes of light entered Eraserhead's eyes, making them more irritated than usual. He resisted the urge to rub them; it would have looked unprofessional.

He sat at a desk along with other staff of the Hero Academy; Nezu and Yamada. They all wore serious expressions. Yamada was not his usual, chirpy self. It unnerved Eraserhead a little, seeing his friend so serious.

But this is a serious matter, Eraserhead reminded himself.

'So far, four children attending U.A. have disappeared,' said a journalist. 'Is it a coincidence that they have disappeared at the same time as All-Might?'

'Unfortunately All-Might's location is unknown,' replied Nezu. 'We have no information on whether his disappearance is connected to the students of U.A., but this is being investigated as we speak.'

Another journalist stepped forwards to speak. 'Midoriya Izumi, a student at U.A., disappeared after you dismissed him from class. There were multiple eye-witness accounts of you expelling him on his first day without the jurisdiction.'

Eraserhead scowled. Damn it, students must have come forth to say that.

'Do you have a comment on this?' The journalist finished.

'Midoriya Izumi was not capable of progressing in the school from the injuries he obtained by his quirk,' Eraserhead replied. 'That being said it was not in my control to expel him.'

'So you admit that you wrongly expelled Midoriya Izumi?'

The journalist was digging for the most controversial story she could get. Eraserhead understood that. But he couldn't help but scowl at her with his career on the line. She looked back at him with her dark eyes, determined and unwavering. In fact, Eraserhead could almost see a spark of excitement in her eyes from his expression.

It's your career or mine.

'He needed the day off.'

'Apparently you said to him, "You're out". That's very different from saying he could have the day off, don't you think?'

Eraserhead hesitated as he had trouble thinking of a response. Taking advantage of this, the journalist continued with her accusations.

'In fact, you said to him, and I quote, "Eventually you'll catch on. You'll realize how useless this quirk is, how useless it is for society, and how useless you are." Do you have any comment on this?'

Nezu stepped up and gave Eraserhead a look to stand down. Eraserhead obliged.

'Aizawa is harsh with people on their first days to make sure they are up to the task,' Nezu explained. 'Being a hero is not a walk in the park, as we are all well aware. The fatality rate is higher than in any other industry! Would you expect a soldier to breeze through their training without being pushed to their limits so that they can survive on the job?'

The journalist mulled over the question, but before she could provide a counter argument, Nezu continued talking.

'Of course, the Hero Academy is many things. It is not brutal training every day. Nor is it all fun and games. We believe in pushing students to their limits while maintaining their joy and reducing bullying as much as possible.'

The journalist clearly wanted to continue her questions, but her time had run out. Eraserhead resisted the temptation to rub an anxious bead of sweat from his forehead. With a scowl, she sat down as another journalist stood up.

'How do you intend to prevent other students of the hero academy from going missing?'

Nezu cleared his throat to speak. 'Today we are opening a brand-new dormitory exclusively for class 1-A. This dormitory will be on campus grounds and so it will be of the highest security. In addition each student will be tracked outside of school grounds and monitored by investigators at all times.' Nezu bowed, signalling for Eraserhead and Yamada to do the same. 'We are committed to the safety of all our students of U.A. and are providing as much information as possible to help find our missing students.'

Cameras flashed, making Eraserhead's dry eyes even more sore. It was the perfect shot for them to take. Eraserhead was relieved when it was time to head off the stage. He slumped in a corner with a drink bottle and took a swig.

Nezu walked up to him. Even though Eraserhead was sitting in the corner of the room, he was still as tall as Nezu. But Nezu's size didn't make his frown any less intimidating.

'You've got to stop this, Aizawa!' Nezu shouted. 'You're too harsh on the first-years! You're lucky I knew what to say in this circumstance.'

Eraserhead was somewhat taken aback, along with Yamada. Nezu was usually polite and humorous.

'Don't threaten to expel students.'

'I understand,' Eraserhead replied.

'I'm sorry to yell, but this has been going on for far too long. The Hero Academy is not just some big boot camp.'

Eraserhead nodded.

'Soo...' Yamada began, trying to change the topic. 'Any information on the student's where-abouts?'

Nezu sighed. 'Don't leak this to the press,' he said, looking Yamada in the eyes. 'But the police are close to finding Tsuyu Asui. And I don't think it will be pretty when they do.'

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