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Tenya smiled as he saw the beef stew was available. He poured some into his own bowl and bowed profusely to the cafeteria lady. She laughed, thinking that it wasn't that big a deal.

There was a spot right for Tenya among a group of his other classmates. He was about to sit down there, but noticed Uraraka sitting by herself on another table. Tenya could sense something was wrong. Since he wanted to be a class rep, he knew it was his duty to keep the class together.

When Tenya got a better look at Uraraka, he noticed that she was tearing up.

'Hey, what's wrong?' Tenya asked compassionately.

Uraraka tried to wipe away her tears, but she ended up sobbing more instead. 'I can't help but think about the guy with the green hair! He... he sacrificed his limbs to save me. And now...'

Tenya looked down in shame. 'I have my regrets, too. I misjudged him at first. I thought he was going to interrupt you during the exam, but I see that he was more cluey than any of us. He knew about the points you could earn from saving others.'

Uraraka kept on sobbing. 'I don't think so. He just saved me because he's a kind person. But I could have used my quirk to save myself!

Uraraka looked up at Tenya with tear-filled eyes. 'I could have freed myself from the rubble. He sacrificed himself because of my own ignorance!'

Tenya didn't know what to say. The thought that Deku was simply acting out of kindness was shocking to him.

Uraraka eventually broke the silence. 'I need to see if he's alright. He didn't come to school today.'

Tenya frowned. 'He's not in the hero academy anymore.'

'Yes he is!' Uraraka yelled. She quickly felt embarrassed as she attracted the attention of other people and lowered her voice. 'I checked with the teachers, Eraserhead was just being dramatic.'

Tenya thought for a moment before nodding. 'Alright. Do you want to visit his house?'

'Of course!' Uraraka said. 'Do you know his address?

'No,' Tenya admitted. He looked over at Bakugo. 'But I think I know someone who does.'


The school was cast in yellow light as the sun lowered towards the horizon. It had been a long day and Uraraka and Tenya were worn out. Even so, they were committed to checking on Deku. Bakugo had refused to join them, but he had given Deku's address, which Tenya was very thankful for.

'There's a lot of villain activity at the moment,' Tenya said. 'It's good that you didn't go out to see Deku by yourself.'

Uraraka smiled at Tenya. 'Thanks for coming, I appreciate it.'

'Not a problem at all!' Tenya responded.

'It's hard to imagine that All-Might has retired,' Uraraka said.

Tenya agreed. 'He's been the strongest hero since the day we were born. I just hope Endeavour can take his place as the number one hero.'

Uraraka frowned. 'I just don't see him having the same effect on everyone. He's very strong, but he's still a world apart from All-Might.'

'Hopefully all the other heroes can make up for All-Might.'

The two eventually reached Deku's apartment and Tenya knocked on the door. They heard a scrambling sound inside and the door swung open.

'Izumi!?' Deku's mum appeared with her cheeks wet with tears. 'Oh, sorry.'

Tenya and Uraraka were both shocked. Uraraka cleared her throat. 'Um, are you the mother of the green-haired boy?'

'Yes, do you know where he is!?' Deku's mum shouted, with an expression of hope. The hope quickly died as Uraraka and Tenya looked at each other with a worried expression.

'He's missing?' Tenya asked.

'He came home yesterday and then left,' Deku's mum sobbed. 'I thought he might be visiting a friend.'

'We've got to notify the police!' Tenya yelled. 'I'll go tell them straight away.' Tenya took a step back from the other two and activated his engine quirk. Without a moment's delay, he was racing off to the nearest police station.

'I'll help look for him,' Uraraka announced. She began floating slowly upwards.

'Thank you!' Deku's mum sniffed.

Uraraka smiled at her weakly.

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