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PREVIOUSLY: I raised my hand with no confidence.

I was expecting them to ask to sit anywhere but beside me and to my surprise the mountain was coming in my direction while his friend went to sit in the back.

San(mountain): hey i'll be sitting next to you, is it okay with you?

Y/n: yeah yeah don't worry in fact i thought that none of you would have accepted to sit next to me ...

San(mountain): oh why...? Wait if it's because of what happened earlier don't worry we don't really mind that you bumped into our friends it can happen to anyone.

i was lost not knowing if he saw how people were looking at me with disgust and hatred... after that we were concentrated on the class and didn't speak to each other but it didn't bother me that much i'm used to having no one to talk to...

after math we had litterature then it was lunch. And during lunch i was sitting at my table alone and was eating peacefully. the new boys were nowhere to be foud or seen and as i was thinking about that i felt a boilling hot liquid drippin on top of my head all the way to my toes. No need to think about the culprit identity i already knew it was momo.... it's her joy so make me physically suffer, she likes to see me in pain and right now with the liquid temperature i think you can tell but i'm in spain without the s.

i left my food on the table took my bag and went to the restroom to try to cool down my skin but also change. One usefull thing i learned while being bullied was to always bring a spare outfit because you never know when people decide to pour thing on you, this can happen anytime anydays without a warning. after changing i went to my locker to put my previous outfit in there and decided that i'd directly go to my next class.

Y/n: one day i'll get my revenche ...... just you wait i'll make you pay

Boy1: who's gonna pay for what

Y/n: of fuck you scared me!!!!! where did you both came from and who the fuck are you!??!!??!

i thought i was alone in the hallway fuck!!! And i was speaking outloud ah shit ......

Boy2: oh so you bump into people but you don't remember them afterward.....?

Boy1: three of our friend  are in you class.

Y/n: Oh sorry i didn't recognise you and sorry again for this morning, i was in a big rush.

Boy1: it's okay, by the way what is your name?

Y/n: my name is Y/n and what about the both of you ?

Boy1: i am yeosang

Boy2: and i am hongjoong.

Y/n: okay... well nice to meet the both of you but now again i'm in a rush and need to hurry to class

Hongjoong and Yeosang: well it was nice to meet you too but isn't it still early to be in a rush for class?

Y/n: erm...well i kinda have to urgently go there because i forgot something

Hongjoong: oh well than go don't worry, see you next time

Yeosang: yeah see you next time

i just waved at them and directly went to my class and i was still sulking about what happened earlier with momo but this time i ws sulking silently. in the classroom i was alone and i was a bit anxious about next period but mostly about what they have planned on doing to me .

soon after people started entering the classroom and when the class began again mountain was sleeping next to me while his friend were having fun in the back telling each other jokes. beside all of this tzuyu and her group were looking mad.well after those two classes school is over so i guess if i run fast enough i can avoid their next evil plan and catch an early bus ...... i like this plan.

i folowed the class closely as always and was focused on what our french teacher was saying and it's after four long hour that it was finally over. As planned before i rapidly got my stuffs and ran. i can tell you it was a good idea because one i did catch an early bus and second because when i was leaving i saw them getting prepared for something. i'm proud i succesfully avoided the girls and their folowing dog .

in the bus i was listening to.....

best luck next chapter it's the end of chapter 2

i hope you enjoyed <3

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