20 | party crashers

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the Time skipped through the day quite fast and I was super prepared to crash this party. The feeling of excitement was flowing through my body and I could not wait to see Miles reaction.
Alice and i I looked hot. like smoking hot.

"ready to blow this party?" i ask
"never more prepared" she smiles
"let's go"

as we pull up to the party we hear music blaring from the house. it sounds like there's a lot of people there already but the party only just started, so we weren't late comers.
Rebecca's house was huge. it was crazy big but miles's house is definitely bigger.
what annoyed me with the fact that Rebecca thinks she has miles all wrapped around her finger. she's wrong. i'm getting my boy back tonight. weather she likes it or not.

"we're here!!!" i smirk
"let's do it" alice says

we walk into the door of the house and the party was crazy. music blaring. people laughing, dancing. seemed like an alright party especially with Rebecca hosting it.

"there she is" i say walking up to rebecca
"hey, y/n welcome" she says all smart
"rebecca, hi. where's miles?" i ask
"stay away from him. he's not your property anymore. he's mine" she says smugly  
and without another thought. i slap her. right across the face.
"i said. where's miles!" i shout
"fucking hell!!! he's upstairs alright" she says with tears in her eyes
"thank you" i smile and walk away
"what a badass" alice says linking her arm with mine
i smile and we walk upstairs to find miles

alice and i split up and search everywhere. i hear a noise come from a room. shouting. angry shouting. so i open the door
it was miles

"miles?" i say
he turns and looks at me with fear in his eyes
"are you okay?" i ask slowly
"what the hell are you doing here!?" he shouts at me
"hey. what the hell is going on with you" i ask trying to remain calm
"nothing alright." he says barging passed me
"miles! hey." i say grabbing his arm
"look y/n just leave me alone. alright. i'm here to drink n have a good time. if you're here to come talk to me than leave. i'm not interested in seeing you" he says
"fine. not interested to see me or talk to me" i say "then i'll do what you're here to do also"
"y/n..." he says
"no! you're here to drink and have a good old time at this sluts party? i'll do the same!" i say grabbing two jelly shots off a tray. shooting them both down my throat

i walked down stairs and left miles. if he's not gonna talk to me. then i'll drink and have a good time myself.

drink after drink i felt more energy come to my head. am i drunk? i hope so.
i get up on a table and dance my life away. pulling all types of moves.
"it's getting hot" i say panting and taking off my jacket
"woooo take more clothes off!" a random shouts
without even thinking i start taking off my shirt. until someone pulls me off the table

"hey!" i shout "let me dance!!" i scream
the person takes me outside. and sits me on a chair.
"what the hell is wrong with you!?!" he says
it was miles
"oh look. now he wants to talk" i say scoffing
"y/n of course i wanna talk. you really think a party full of drunk people is a good place to do it?" he asks
"whatever" i say sitting back crossing my arms
"let me take you home" miles says
"no miles. i can find my own way home" i sigh
"no you need to sit down! alright. i'm worried about you" he says
"worried. huh. if you were worried about me. then why go off shopping with another girl and not even tell me about it miles!!" i shout
"if i had told you, you wouldn't have let me go!" he says
"i would've let it slide if you had just told me miles." i sigh
"whatever y/n. find your own way home" he says getting up and walking away
"wow" i sigh, get up and go find alice.

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