3. riding lessons

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I wake up and get dressed once again (outfit above)
I can't wait for my riding lesson with Miles he honestly brings out the best in me. Once I get dressed I go down to the kitchen and everyone's already awake except Miles and Kate. Flora runs up to me and gives me a big hug.
"Guess what?" She asks me
"What?" I smile
"No work today" she says dancing
"Yayyyy" I say
"Quickly have breakfast so Miles and I can teach you how to ride" she says
"Alright I will" I say
"What would you like for breakfast dear?" Ms Grose asks
"Uh just toast with peanut butter would be nice" I say
"Sure thing" she says
"So... How did you sleep?" Flora asks me
"Very good, what about you?" I ask her
"Amazing" she says
"Your toast dear" Ms Grose says handing me my food
"Thanks" I say
"Are you excited to ride a horse today?" Flora asks me
"I'm very excited" I say biting into my toast.
"Miles!!!" Flora says, running up to her brother
"Morning" he says hugging her
"Hey" he says to me
"Hey" I say
"Sleep well?" He asks
"Yeah, you?" I ask
"Yeah pretty good?" He replies
"Your usual breakfast Miles?" Ms Grose asks him
"Uh yeah please" he replies
"You're going to ride my mother's horse and I'll ride Samson" Miles tells me
"Okay, sounds good" I say finishing my food
"Here love I'll take your plate" Ms Grose says
"Thank you" I smile
"Thanks for breakfast Ms Grose" Miles says
"Anytime dearies, now go have fun" she says
We run to the stables and get the horses out. That white horse does not like me one bit. she keeps on trying to bite me.
"You'll be fine" Miles says.
I smile at him getting on the big white horse and then she bucks me off her back.
I fall to The ground and a stabbing pain hits my back.
"Ouch" I say sitting up
"Are you ok?" Miles says putting his hand out to help me up.
"Yeah I'm ok" I say taking his hand
Then I feel a nudge on my back. It was Samson.
"Hey, you" I say patting him on the nose
"Well he really likes you do want to try and ride him?" Miles asks
"Uh yeah sure only if it's alright with you?" I say
"It's fine" he smiles
I get on Samson and he lets me ride him. after about an hour we decided to put the horses away and go back in the house.
"You where good today" Miles says
"Thanks" I smile shyly
"No problem" he says
"Miles, what can we do now?" Flora asks
"Whatever you wanna do" he replies
"Why don't we play spotlight, I'll be it and you and y/n go hide!" She says
"Alright sounds good" he says
"Just follow me while Flora counts" he says grabbing my hand.
"Okay" I smile
Flora had to count to 100 so Miles and I had plenty of time to hide. We get to a small room like a mini cupboard and get in it. It was very small so Miles and I were practically touching. I felt his breath on my face and it gave me butterflies knowing he was so close to me.
"Y/n" he said
"Yes Miles" I say
"Your beautiful" he says
"I-I'm what?" I say
"Beautiful" he says
"Thank you" I smile
"Your welcome" he says grabbing my hand
"How long would it take her to find us?" I ask
"A while" he says letting my hand go
"Oh, alright" I say
I feel Miles' hand on my cheek. I wrap my hands around his neck. Then without hesitation we both lean and feel our lips touch. The kiss lasted a long time, it was very passionate and I quite enjoyed it.
"FOUND YOU!" Flora said opening the cupboard door
Miles and I pull away and look at Flora
"Ewwwwww you two are gross" she says, scrunching up her nose
"Well I'm sure you'll understand when you fall in love" Miles says
"Yeah, I am not going to fall in love. Uh uh no way" she says shaking her head
"Well I'm sure you will" I say
Miles and I hop out of the cupboard and go play tea parties with Flora. Not long after that we have lunch and Flora wanted to have a day sleep. So Miles and I chilled and talked in the lounge for a bit. Until we heard a scream.
"What was that?" I ask Miles
"I- I dunno" he says
Without another word I get up and run to where the scream came from. I open the door and see Kate lying on the floor screaming and grabbing her neck.
"Kate?" I say
"Move, move out of my way" Ms Grose says running up to Kate
"Is she alright?" I ask Ms Grose
"She will be fine" Ms Grose says
Miles puts his hand on my shoulder "Let's go to my room" he says
In response I nod and then we go to his room.
I sit down in his desk chair and put my knees up to my chest
"She'll be fine, y/n" he says
"Yeah I know" I say
"I wonder what happened to her" he says
"yeah it's just weird because the night that we met, something creepy happened to me as well, and then now Kate is probably seen creepy stuff too" I say
"What do you mean creepy stuff, there is nothing creepy about this house" he says
"yeah I know but it's just that my family is known for having weird visions and stuff so it's probably just that" I explain
"Yeah anyway you both will be fine" he says
All I do is nod.
"Come lay with me" he says gesturing to come lie with him on his bed.
I lie down next to him and eventually fall into a deep slumber, never wanting it to end

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