4. the koi pond

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I wake up the next day on top of a sleeping Miles. I kiss him on top of the head and go to my room to get dressed.(OUTFIT ABOVE). Then I decide to go find Flora. "morning!!" I hear a little voice from behind me shout "well good morning miss Flora, aren't you in an amazing mood" I say hugging her "yup, today I'm gonna show you the coy pond" she giggles "sounds like fun, lets go get breakfast" I say and we run to the kitchen "morning dearie, peanut butter toast?" Ms Grose asks "mmm yes please" I smile "so is the coy pond your favourite part of the garden?" I ask Flora "yup, I can't wait to show you my favourite orange fish, I'm gonna show Kate too" Flora says Great, how fun Kate is gonna come. yippie. "morning" I see Kate walk in "hi Kate!" Flora says "hey Flora" Kate says "breakfast Kate?" Ms Grose asks her "yes please, just some jam on toast please" Kate says obviously faking a smile "Morning" I hear Miles say "hey" I smile at him "the usual, Miles?" Ms Grose asks him "uh no thanks I'm not hungry" Miles says Once we all finish our breakfast we grab the horses out. I ride Samson with Miles, Kate and Flora ride the white horse. We arrive at the coy pond and Flora skips round happily and Miles and I talk holding hands. "oh no!!" Flora shouts running to a fish on the ground getting eaten by a crow. "get off her!" Miles shouts shooing the bird away. Miles then steps on the fish killing it. Flora turns around and hugs me tight. "Miles!" Kate shouts "nothing should have to suffer" Miles says "wha-" Kate stutters "he's right" I say as Flora lets me go "lets go" Flora sniffles running off I nod and grab Miles' hand and we ride back to the house. Miles and I decide to go into my room. "what do you wanna do now?" I ask "well there is one thing" Miles says "oh yeah, and what would that be?" I ask wrapping my hands around his neck.


do ya'll want a Smut next chapter???? If so, comment bellow, and I'll write the next chapter

Stay safeeeeee

Olivia xoxo :)

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