2. teaching who?!

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I wake up the next morning and honestly I can't stop thinking about Miles. I decide to get dressed and do my hair (SHOWN ABOVE). I go find Flora and her and I play tea parties. "God she's cute, why cant she be my sister?" I thought to myself.
"morning" I hear a voice say from behind me.
It was Miles. He smiled at me, I smile back.
"Miles!!" Flora shouts
"come play tea parties with me and y/n" she exclaims yanking his arm. "okay lets go" he says
Miles sits on the picnic blanket next to me and Flora gives him a cup of "tea".

"do you ride?" he asks me
"what, as in ride horses?" I say
"yeah, do you?" he asks
"yeah, I used to ride when I was little but then my horse died so I haven't ridden since" I sigh
"well if you'd like I could teach you tomorrow?" he offers
"yeah, that would be nice" I say smiling
"Miles I'm bored" Flora says
"well what do you wanna do?" he asks tapping Floras nose
"actually, it's time for school work" Kate interrupts.
Ugh why does she always interrupt the best moments!!
"we are busy" I say to her annoyed, I glare at her.
"yeah cant we do school later?" Flora asks
"nope sorry to spoil the fun but the quicker we get it done, the quicker you guys can play" Kate says.
Kate walks over to Flora and grabs her hand walking past me, she glares so I glare back.
"ugh that bitch" I think to myself.
"oh and y/n" Kate says
"what?" I ask giving a fake smile
"you will have to teach Miles" she says walking away.
"sweet" Miles says interrupting my thoughts.
"yeah, I guess this shouldn't be too bad" I say smirking
"hey" he says poking my arm gently "I'm not that bad" he smiles
"yeah we'll see about that" I say standing up.
"lets get to work" I say leaving the room.
I walk into Miles' room. That's were I will be teaching him, not anywhere near Kate.
"so..." he begins "what's up with you and your sister?" he asks
"what do you mean?" I ask
"you two don't really get along well, why is that?" he says
"it's kind of a long story..." I sigh
"I'm sure I can keep up" he says
"okay. well what happened was when I was born my dad left my mum and Kate blames me for dad leaving when what really happened was: he just needed a break" I say
looking down at my feet
"it's not your fault" he comforts me "thanks" I say smiling slightly at him "no worries" he says

"what?" he asks
"you're a lot smarter than I imagined" I smirk
"hey!" he shouts and we laugh. "MILES!!" we hear Flora shout
"yeah in my room Flora!" he responds.
Flora comes running in and sits on my lap.
"can we go play a game?" Flora asks "what kind of game?" I ask
"hmm.. how about Mums and Dads!" she says
"yeah sure, your choice" I smile getting up
"oh come on Miles" we say
pulling his arm
"alright, alright I'm coming" he laughs. 
After we play we decide to go have something to eat watch and watch a movie. I get bored so I decided to go to my room. I looked around and I decide to call Rose my sister's best friend she's like a sister to me. Well a better one than Kate would ever be. I dial her number and then she answers.
"Hello?" She says
"Hey Rose" I sigh
"Hey girl, what's up?" She asks
"Well the boys back from boarding school so I have to teach him now and Kate is teaching a little girl" I say
"Oh well that sounds like fun" she says sarcastically
"Yeah it is" I sigh
"So... This boy is he cute?" She asks
"Rose!!!" I say laughing
"Come on is he?" She asks
"Well... I guess he's kinda cute" I smirk
"Ha! I knew it, is he your age?" she asks
"Yeah." I say
"Ooooo that's perfect for you then" she says.
I could hear the grin in her voice
"Alright well I've got to go eat dinner so I will talk to you tomorrow?" She says
"Yeah, see you, Rose" I sigh
"Bye, and remember let him make the first move!" She shouts
"Yeah yeah I got it, see ya later" I say hanging up
" So.. you think I'm cute huh?" I hear a voice say
I turn around and I see Miles standing at the bedroom door of my room
"Ah! Miles you scared me" I say looking at my feet
"I was walking past your bedroom and I heard you say that I'm cute" he smirks
"Well..." I say
"Don't worry it's no biggie" he says
"Yeah, uh thanks" I say
"All good, oh and dinner is ready" he says
"Okay I'll be right down" I say
He leaves shutting the door behind him.
"Oh my god I'm such a clutz" I mumble
I go out and eat dinner after that I come into my room and decide to read my favourite book: TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN.
*Knock knock*
"Come in" I say
The door opened and it was Miles.
"Hey." He says
"Hi" I say putting my book down
"What you reading?"he asks
"Tomorrow when the war began" I say
"I've read that one, in fact I have read the whole series" he says
"Wow, I didn't think you were much of a reader" I say
"Turns out I am" he smiles
Miles sits next to me on my bed and looks at me dead in the eye.
"You still wanna do your riding lesson tomorrow?" He asks putting a stand of hair behind my ear.
"Y-yeah of course I do" I say
"Alright well I will let you sleep and I'll see ya tomorrow" he says
and with that he walks out of the room shutting the door behind him.
I turn off the light and go to bed excited for what tomorrow will bring.

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