16. not my day...

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I am furious. Rebecca keeps getting in my way as well as Luke. I am going to put them both in their place if this continues. I hate both of them with a passion. I still am not sure about the way Miles was acting around Rebecca this morning, it was really strange to see him act like that but what can I say, that's Miles for you.

"hey wait up!" I hear Alice shout

"hey Al" I say

"you alright?" she asks me

"yeah, fine totally" I sigh

"look I know Luke and Rebecca are both getting to you but if Miles wants to go to that party you should let him, honestly your acting like his mother and its starting to annoy me" she says walking off

Ugh is anyone on my side today or what!?

"y/n!" I hear Miles shout as I walk into the cafeteria

"yeah?" I say

"you seem really down today, what's up?" he asks

"oh I wonder, have a think Miles then come back to me and we'll talk" I say

Even though it's not the end of the school day I decide to walk home, I can't bare another second in that hell hole.

"your home early" Kate says as I walk through the door

"oh yeah, didn't notice" I say slamming my door

I plop onto my bed and all I want to do is scream and cry. What is up with Alice, Miles, Luke and Rebecca? There is too much to bare at the moment!!

I want to also know why I am so emotional and why do I keep getting mood swings?!

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