11. ugh not Rebecca

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Another day of school. Woohoo. Well at least I get to see Miles and Rebecca hasn't even noticed him which is good. I get dressed and go downstairs to eat my breakfast.
"Morning" Rose says
"Hi" I say getting out Coco pops
"How'd you sleep?" She asks
"Average, you?" I ask her
"Alright" she says
"Where's Kate?" I ask
"Gone back to work" she says
"Already, wow that went fast" I say pooring the milk in my bowl
"Yeah, she missed the kids too much" Rose says
"Well I guess that's a good enough reason" I say
"Yeah, I guess" she says
"Anyway I better go" I say
"Yeah, see you when you get home" she says hugging me
"Bye" I say grabbing my bag and running out the door

~time skip at school (lunch time)~

Miles, Alice, Lucas ( Alice's crush) and I were sitting eating lunch until Rebecca comes up to us.
"What do you want?" I ask rudely
"To say hi to the new kid" she says
"Whatever" I say
"Hi, my name is Rebecca, I'm the cheerleading captain and student council leader and the most popular girl in school, these are my friends, Chelsea, Abby, Claire and Louise" she says
I roll my eyes and see what miles has to say.
"I'm Miles and you probably already know my girlfriend y/n and my friends Alice and Lucas" he says wrapping his arms around me
"Oh, girlfriend isn't that lovely" she says in shock
"Yes it is indeed now scram or I'll make you do 50 push ups in soccer" I say
Rebecca and her friends run as fast as they can (which isn't fast at all) and go back to their table.
"That's hilarious" Lucas says
"You seriously need to make her do 50 in soccer though" Alice says laughing
"I've been thinking about it" I say laughing
"How I mean isn't that the teachers job?" Miles asks
"Y/n is the girls school soccer team captain so in sport they listen to her when playing soccer in sports" Alice explains
"You need to teach them a lesson then y/n" Miles says smiling at me
"I'll think of something" I say leaning back on Miles
He kisses me on the head lightly and wraps his arms around me
You two would be sitting like this:

"That's hilarious" Lucas says"You seriously need to make her do 50 in soccer though" Alice says laughing "I've been thinking about it" I say laughing"How I mean isn't that the teachers job?" Miles asks"Y/n is the girls school soccer team captain s...

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~time skip, soccer~

"Yes y/n!!!" My team shouts as I score a goal
I run up to my team and we all group hug
"That was so good y/n well done" Alice says
"Oh my gosh y/n we won because of you!" A girl called Isabella says
"Oh please I was the one who scored first" Rebecca says barging through
"Yeah well you scored once and y/n scored 20 goals sooooo" Alice says
"Guys please I'm sure Rebecca is just jealous that y/n not only scored but is dating Miles Fairchild" Isabella says smiling
"You two are really the cutest couple" Alice says
"No they aren't" Rebecca says
"Miles would be way better off with someone else" she continues
"Oh please Miles wouldn't last a single second with you, so if you try and take him from me which you won't. Bring it on bitch, bring it on" I say walking up to her crossing my arms
"Girls!!!" Rebecca shouts (out of all her friends she's the only friend from her Group on the soccer team) and her friends come running up to her
"Let's get out of here" she says Huffing
When Rebeca and her friends walk away the whole team cheers and hugs me.
"Look it's Luke!!" Alice shouts

Where do I start. Luke is a Senior and plays NFL and is super hot. I obviously don't have a crush on him but I just think he's good looking. We all look at Luke playing NFL with his mates and then he looks at me causing my heart to drop.

"He's looking at you y/n" Alice says
"Oh shush" I say turning away from him and we all go to the change rooms to get changed

~time skip end of day (after school)~

I walk out the school gate talking to Alice and hand in hand with Miles as we chatter away we see once again Rebecca and her friends coming up to us.
"What do you want now?" Alice asks annoyed
"Nothing, oh hi Miles" Rebecca says giggling
I roll my eyes and Miles laughs
"Bye Rebecca" Miles says and we walk away

I hate Rebecca and I will do anything to keep her away from Miles 😡

Hey y'all I literally wrote this in McDonald's drive through 😂🤭 idk where this story is going but I'm kind of liking it hopefully you are too

-olivia ❤️

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