part five

259 10 7

/word count: 1274/

^^^^Reader-Chans P.O. V^^^

I stepped out of the warm shower and wrapped my fuzzy towel around my body. I staired into the foggy mirror, then took my hand and whipped the condensation from the small mirror, But as I did, I saw the same masked man from before behind me.

I let out a bone chilling scream as the lights flickered and I turned around......No one was there...... Tears ran down my cheeks as I leaned against the steam-soaked wall and sunk down to my knees.

I knew whatever behind me was real,I could hear his breathing, but im just paranoid and all of this is in my head.

I sat on the cold tile floor for a while before standing back up, drying off, and slipping on my Pj’s.

I walked out of my bathroom and then walked downstairs.The closer I got downstairs, the colder I got

. I was shivering by the time I was in the living room and there I saw it...the front door was open. Dread washed over my body,but it could be dad. But he would have told me he was home.

I quickly yet quietly walked to the kitchen and grabbed one of the biggest knives I could find.

“D-dad?”my shaky voice called out as I searched all the downstairs rooms, finding nothing.

“Mom? Oscar?” I whispered-yelled as I made my way back up the stairs, I looked in mom and dad's room, nothing, Oscars room, nothing, the guest bedroom, nothing,all that was left was my room.

I slowly creeped to my door. I pressed my ear against the dense wood; I heard nothing, so I slowly pushed the door open and looked in. With a flash of lighting, I saw the same yellow tracksuit, grey-blue jeans, and the same white mask.

I covered my mouth with my free hand and gripped the base of the knife with the other. In a flash I kicked the door fully open and charged at the man, I expected the knife to contact with him, but I only fell onto my bed, the knife pushing into my soft blankets.

I let the knife go and moved to where I was on my back. I looked at the figure who only tilted his head at me, then another flash of lightning struck brightening the room, and like before the figure was gone.I went into a panic

“W-what is going on” I choked out as I pushed myself farther onto my bed, my breathing was becoming labored as I pulled the knife from my mattress. I held the cold metal close to me as my eyes frantically dashed around the room,I did not sleep at all, thank God its Saturday.

I looked over at the small table next to my bed and grabbed my phone. The bright screen hurt my eyes, but I needed to call my mom, dad, or anyone who would help me.

I stood up as I paced around the room as I tried calling my dad first.The phone rang and rang.

Then I felt another presence in my room. I stopped walking and I stood still, all I heard was the pitter patter of rain and my own heavy breathing.... That was until I heard someone else breathing.

I went to turn but was stopped as someone wrapped their arm around my waist and one of their hands covered my grip on the knife I had was lost as the hard metal clanked against the floor.

I screamed into the hand as I lashed around, I saw the yellow sleeves of the person's clothes. Tears rose in my eyes.....the man is back. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I bit the man's hand.

The man hissed and let me go. Without thinking I bolted out my door, I dashed to the stairs and ran down them as fast as I could.I soon made it to the door and fumbled with reunlocking it. I heard heavy footsteps running down the stairs, which only made me more scared and nervous, I let our cries as my shaky hands opened the lock and were just pulling the door open, till a gloved hand harshly pushed the door closed.

Where do you think you're going kitten?”  A gruff, deep, angry laced voice rang out. My blood ran cold, and my breathing picked up.

I was going to be nice but you're making this hard” the man said with a laugh as he turned me to face him. I stared into the soulless empty black eye holes of the mask

“l-let me g-go" I choked out as he wrapped his arms tightly around me and pulled me into his chest. He smelt of iron and cigarettes, the smell was sickening, but I was pulled out of my thoughts as his fingers run through my hair

it was rude of you to bite me kitten” he said as his voice lowered..and my god it made him scarier. He then grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked my head back, so I was looking up at him. I yelped as tears filled my eyes once again, I tried to speak but my words were stuck in my throat, I pushed my hands against his chest, trying to push him away.

So, this is how I die? In my own house by a crazy man...” I thought to myself as he raised his gloved hand to my face.

I flinched harshly as he rested his hand on my cheek
so delicate. So... break able” he whispered out as he wiped away my tears. He soon let go of my hair, but he soon swooped me up in his arms bridal style and started to carry me.

I stayed as still as I could, trying not to alert the masked man as he could easily drop me and swiftly end my life.The man soon made his way up the stairs and to my room.

He pushed my door open with his foot then walked to my bed and put me down. I looked at him as I backed up as far as I could on my bed, my eyes dashed around my room looking for the knife I had before, I saw it..but it was on the floor far away from my bed along with my phone.

The masked man saw what I was looking at and he only let out a laugh

you're not getting those” he hissed out as he walked over and picked up both items, tossed them out the door, then walked over and sat close to me.

My names masky dear” he purred out as sweetly as he could, but I could still hear the evilness in his voice.

I stayed silent as the masked man sat closer to me then I would like. But that name “Masky” it sounded familiar like I've heard it from somewhere

you are not a talker, are you?” he said as he put his hand under my chin and lifted my head. I quickly jerked away from him and backed away even farther from him. Masky cocked his head to the side and stood up from my bed

next time you jerk away...I might hurt you..but for now...I need to go; your father is back ...see Ya next time kitten” masky said with a small wave as he opened my window and jumped out it.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I pulled my knees to my chest.....

paranoid... Masky x readerWhere stories live. Discover now