Chapter 2 - A prince's dream and a stormy night

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His dream explained everything. His fate, his destiny, his future. One thing troubled him the most: finding the person in his dream. There is a belief in his land that when one dreams about someone they do not know, involving the term love that they instantly feel when they sense the person, considering him or her to be the destined person to their lives. Kim Seokjin was completely bothered he'd marry a marshmallow panda. He laughed at the thought since she appeared in his dream numerous times in a form of a half-panda or sometimes even a half-marshmallow. He was interrupted when he heard the sound of a familiar call of his servants. He turned around and the side of his mouth perked up, a petite man stood in front of him.

"How are the preparations for the celebration?" He immediately asked.

"They're all ready, your highness." Park Jimin is one of the prince's most trusted servant in the kingdom. He has been serving royal family ever since he was 15. Jin took a last look at the view outside the window,

"Show me." Jimin nodded and gestured him to proceed outisde the castle gates. He obeyed, his steps were light as he walked forward. His posture maintained straight. Jimin opened the castle gates for the prince and Jin caught a glimpse of light blinding his eyes. Jin's jaw dropped as he saw the majestic arrangement. He cleared his throat and thanked Jimin for the hard work, of course, he wouldn't want to thank everyone. To be honest, he was actually a lazy person deep inside.

~=w=)~ ~(=w=)~ ~=w=)~

The Female closed the windows shut, she was half-soaked by the rain outside. She lit a candle and saw Suga just sleeping on the couch, she glared at him. He shouldn't sleep just like that and leave me here to keep the room dry, she thought. The rain outside was very strong and the Female predicted that it would cause a typhoon, she observed the clouds, the wind, and the force of the water dropping. She suddenly felt a warm hand on her shoulder, she jumped and punched someone behind him. Suga winced in pain,

"Geez, you didn't have to do that...."

"Sorry~" she said sarcastically and he just rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you sit with me on the couch, hot chocolate's on the table, and a story for you." He asked. The Female nodded and he grabbed her hand, taking them to the couch. She blushed as the warmth of his hand reached her senses, of course he would invite me in these kind of things, he's my guardian after all, she thought. The whole day, Suga kept his princess warm, told her stories from outside. She fell asleep on his shoulder at the middle of his storytelling. He smiled at her calm face, he carried her in his arms and gently laid her down on her bed. He washed the two mugs that were completely empty and decided to sleep beside her, a blanket placed on them.

A ray of sunlight shone through the window and gave a comfortable presence to Suga, who just happened to woke up. His head was still fuzzy from the sleep he had that cold night, he looked around the room, searching for something sensable. He blinked twice before realizing what he was, where he was, and what he is. He yawned, stretching his arms above him and fell back down on the bed. He suddenly heard a small groan behind his back, he turned his head and saw his princess half-awake, glaring at him.

"Off me." she demanded.
"Nah, you're really soft like a pillow."

"I'll make you dress in a maid outfit if you don't." That, Suga bolted up, knowing how she will force him to wear one. Shivers were sent down his spine,

"I should've already thrown that away." He mumbled.

"And yet you can't since it was my birthday gift last time to ya."the Female laughed, remembering his disgusted face from last time. Suga had enough and stomped away like a kid. The Female tried not to laugh and then failed, suddenly laughing hysterically, imagining him acting as maid in front of her, serving her for the rest of his life. She even imagined him tryihg to sound like a girl which made the Female to roll on the bed, laughing endlessly. Tears started to form at the corners of her eyes. Her laughter reached the kitchen from downstairs that annoyed Min Yoongi.


How was it?? ;-; I had trouble thinking of how would I type the story, please forgive me if I made mistakes, I'm still a novice!! ;^; *cries*
Anyway, please leave a comment *wipes my tears away* even if it's a negative one, please leave at least one. I can bear with it.

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