Chapter 5 - Mayuna Kyouko

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  A young girl sat in the village's headquarters, doing paperwork for the arrested thief. She was about to reach for her mug of chocolate when she heard a knock on the door.

  "Come in." for a 16 year old, she has the voice of a matured female in her 20s and it was one of her charms in which she never knew about. The door opened, revealung her reliable secretary, Shiro. He placed another stack of paper on her desk and the girl gave up, her head falling helplessly on her desk. Shiro laughed at her actions,

  "You are the chief. You shouldn't be like that." he said. She just muttered,

  "You can't tell me what I need and not to do. My ass is already flat here...." she hissed at her words. Shiro pulled her from her hood, making her face the ceiling above,

  "May you be the chief and brain, Kyouko but remember, I am older than you so add some respect to me, will ya?"

  "For this minute and 2 more damn hours I am the more superior than you so shut your mouth and get back to your office." she snapped. Shiro slammed her head back on the desk and walked out. She heard him chuckle,

  "One of the reasons why I love you, Mayuna Kyouko."

  "Shut uuuuuup. We aren't together anymore." she whined as he closed the door. She raised her arms up and stretched. 2 more hours and I will get outta here, she thought. As chief, she should finish her work within the end of the day.

☞(=○=)☞ ~~~~~
  Yoongi was pulled by Minyoung, she was dragging him to the bakery shop. He pulled her with the strength he had, causing her to bump on his chest.

  "Where are we going?" he asked. Minyoung pointed to the bakery shop, still sticked to his chest. He tried to pull her away from him butbshe already wrapped her arms around him, he felt her sniffing him, no, inhaling his scent.「[a/n: You read that quite well, right?]

  "Hey... People are watching." he poked her head. She waited for a few seconds before ketting go and resumed dragging him to the bakery shop. As they got in, they already smelled the sweet aroma of the shop, making Minyoung even more hungry. She looked at the menu and pointed a lemom bread. 「[a/n: "lemon bread" get the reference?? No? Dayum. Yes? *high-fives with reader*]」Suga stared at her, trying to converse with her through eye contact. When they were done, Minyoung slapped his arm lightly,

  "You don't gave any money?"

  "Ahehe...." 「[a/n: Poor them... Tsk tsk tsk.]」The cashier spoke to them,

  "The money, sir?"

  "Ahm..." Suga just scratched his head. This is so humiliating. The lady slammed her head on the counter, her face annoyed,

  "Guards!!" Two tall men, one with large ears with the other that has a cold expression plastered on his face, grabbed the both of them. 「[a/n: Chanyeol is holding the Female.]」

  "They won't pay. Kick them out of here." As they were about to push them out, a girl walked in the shop. The two guards immediately released them and bowed.     

  "Chief." They both say. The girl walked to the two,

  "What is your business with them?" she asked. The man with a cold expression spoke first,

  "They wouldn't pay, chief." She signaled for them to leave and looked at the cashier, still bowing. Suga placed a hand on her head, she was a head shorter than him,

  "Where are your parents, kid?" he asked. The girl got annoyed and gently swept his hand off her head. The cashier pulled them to her,

  "What are you doing?! You're talking to the chief of the village!! She's Kyouko Mayuna, the second most-respected person here!! Haven't you heard?!" she whispered to te both of them. Suga gave a nod and turned to Minyoung who was staring at the small girl with interest. She poked his arm,

  "Is she really that petite and...." her eyes sparkled. "cute?" 「[a/n: Amy, I still remember the letter you gave me at school so *shrugs shoulders*]」The girl walked to the counter and the both of them made way. She slammed cash on the counter,

  "22 lemon breads this instant. Two of the both of them. I don't like waiting outside, okay?" she took a last glance at the two,

  "Call me if you need any help." she handed a thin layer of glass to Minyoung. "All you need to do is poke it three times. Now I'll get going." she walked out of the shop, the annoyed feeling of being called kid still bothering her as she sat down on a bench.


DO: *clamps her mouth shut*
Yu: mpfh!! *tries to say something*
DO: Byeeee~
Yu: *finally take his hand off my mouth* YOU OWL!!!


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