Chapter 10.1- Pained Memory

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  Tch. My Shiro she says...I couldn't help but ruin the living daylights out of her until I heard a lot of bone cracking coming originally from her. Her speech revealed personal information to the things I hated and wanted to be forgotten the most and then and there, she reminded me of those times I had hell loose in my little world. I walked away from that weak and annoying bitch and did the rest of the research. Everything went well although we had lost an amount of soldiers from my squad. Rest in peace, my strongest men.


  After the horrifying research from outside, Yu has been locking herself up these past few days and most of us are getting worried. Well, Jungkook and Baekhyun were the most affected people, include me there, I care for that madam as much as I care for my food. Usually she'd eat breakfast with us but now just attends to lunch and asks someone to deliver dinner for her in her office.

  I gathered the courage and walked to her office. As I was about to knock, I heard two male voices coming from inside.

  "Chief, you're completely pale." I assumed that was Baekhyun.

  "And you've been accepting a lot pf paperwork lately." Jungkook that puppy... I heard her sigh and ordered them to exit her office. They saw me and gave a small greeting before leaving. The door a bit open, I peeked and saw her frustratingly messing her tangled crimson locks, she had the palest face ever, even more paler than Suga. She looked like as if her blood was completely sucked out from her.

  "Hey, Yu. Can I come in?" She took a moment to fix herself and allowed me in. My face saddened at her features, she had those dark circles under her eyes, her hair-which she just fixed-was like she just got out of bed, her pale face had a small cut from her cheek and she was wearing only a white shirt and black jeans. Her table had piles of paperwork, an empty cup just beside the paper she was working on.

  "Look at you, you look like a whole mess!" She flinched and cleared her throat,
  "Make it fast, Minyoung. I have a lot of work to do."

  "Hey," I took a chair in front of her desk and rested my elbows there. "You can tell me. Trust me."

  "Why should I?"

  "We"ve been friends for like, one fourth and a year and I know you never acted this weird, you seem really depressed, what's wrong?"

  "That would be going to far. Even if we're friends you still cant change the fact that you're in a low status than me."

  "Why are you being rude now?" I asked. She didn't answer for a long time and I finally got up and left, leaving her with one word.



  I sadly sighed as I strolled on the busy streets, being bumped a few times by people's shoulders though I didn't mind at all, there was something really bothering me and it only describes the return of pain someone in a high rank had just felt. Kyouko Mayuna. If only Dashie didn't say those things, we'd be having fun training but no, she locked herself up and accepted the huge amount of paperwork given to her, no one had been feeling very light today and we won't be not until Chief had already womaned up and once again escaped her chains and cages. 

  I saw a group of people huddled around in a spacious area and I decided to eavesdrop.

  "Have you heard? Kyouko had killed a soldier back in their research."

  "Really?! I never thought she'd go that far."

  "I pity that poor human."

  "Heaven's Murder has killed an innocent soldier so that means she..."

  "Created sin!" I heard gasps and I frowned, now who the fuck would spread false rumors?

  "She shouldn't be looked up to!"

  "Yeah! She'll probably kill us too."

  "Mhm, I agree. We should stay away from her. She's a monster." I ran to that woman and punched her face, earning an audience. 

  "W-What? Who?" she stuttered. I pushed her down with my foot and she tried to squirm out.

  "Fools. You don't know real pain, do you?" My hood was pulled down and the people started speaking to themselves.

  "Is that Byun Baekhyun? One of EXO?"

  "He'd kill us too?"

  "Let go of me!" The woman screamed, I pushed her down even more, making her cringe and lay there, her back almost crushed by my foot.

  "Real pain isn't this." I walked away, leaving a shocked audience following my figure with their eyes. I walked back to the HQ and Chanyeol came running to me, with the others.

  "I heard you punched a woman on the face. Is there something wrong?"

  "There were rumors spreading 'round town, Kyouko Mayuna, they say, killed a soldier from te research." A hand made its way to my shoulder, Kyungsoo's usual stoic face had softened. A lot.

  "Let's go talk to Chief." Without a word, everyone agreed and Suho knocked on the door.


  "Chief, can we talk?"



Alright I know there's someone who is dying to know who will die and I know he/she wants to slap my face and make me blurt the name out but nooo
Hand me a virtual hug, please?
I really like and need it.

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