Chapter 13 - Pranks and Punishments

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The whole HQ was empty, lifeless, and boring, so is Minyoung and Chanyeol who were suppose to play tag earlier ago and went against it since they are one of the laziest people alive.


An idea suddenly popped in my head. I bolted upright, startling the giant beside me, almost asleep on the grass.

"I got it! How about we prank Yu! Sounds cool, right?" The look on his face was pure of disbelief.

"We prank Yu? Not the greatest word combo in the whole existence of the galaxy." He said.

"Oh come on," I grin at him, playfully punched his shoulder. "it's still wort a shot right? How about we add in Baekhyun too, hm?" My eyes sparkled in determination while he scratched his temple.

"I don't know, it's too risky."

"Don't worry, I have a plan.." I drag him with me to the EXO dormitory.



"And you're telling me this because the thieves are demanding for resources?" Venom dripped her words ever since I reported about the thieves in the narrowest and darkest alleys in the village.

"Y-Yes, Chief. They said if we won't hand it to them by the next week they will destroy everything." I tried not to be afraid and stutter. A tick mark had appeared on her head, she stood up in annoyance and turned to look outside the window.

"We will not take action until I give an order, got that?"

"Yes, Chief."

"Now tell me more about the--" The door creaked open, a familiar happy female walking in the office. Yu frustratingly sighed, "what is it now, Minyoung?" The said girl smiled at the both of us.

"I made early lunch for the HQ since we gave our all at the last research we did and I know a lot are starving already."

"We'll be right out, we just need to discuss a few more matters."

"Alrighty I'll go then~" she skipped out of the office, closing the door shut behind her. Both of us stared at the door after she left and then looked at each other.

"I have a feeling she's up to something." I say. Yu raises an eyebrow in confusion but shrugs it off. "Well discuss later," as if on cue, my stomach growled. "i need to fill myself up." I only got a nod in response before heading out to the dining halls, where everyone must be probably waiting for the shining glory of the Chief.


Soon enough we reached the dining halls, everyone in their on group of friends and some eating and maybe waiting for their other friends to arrive. When Chief stepped in the doorblarge wooden doors, everyone stood up and saluted at her. She made a hand gesture that I guess signals them to sit down. "At ease, cadets, continue with your own worlds." They did as told and it was noisy again.

Minyoung came out of the kitchen with Chanyeol holding trays of curry. Yu's face suddenly emerged in slight panic and I know why. The curry was served while Yu just stared at the food on her plate with a mix of horror on her face-she totally dislikes curry-and I'm sure I heard a snicker behind me when she took her first bite then her face turned into the same color as her hair. She began to say something with a full mouth which was hard to understand but I realized she needed water. I dashed to the kitchen and came back with water in my hands, handing it over to Yu who took it down win a single gulp. Her face returned to its original state but a tint of pink was seen on her cheeks if uou squint your eyes.

"Lee.Min.Young." There was that venom again in her voice that creeped me out, sending shivers down my spine and maybe the whole dining hall did too because most of them stiffened even if their backs were turned at her.

"Yes~?" answered the never-ending grinning girl Lee Minyoung.

"Why is the curry spicy?"

"Oh! I thought you liked spicy things, so I made you curry." she smiled innocently and I swear I saw that halo above her head.

"Whatever, I'm skipping lunch. Bring me a cup of earl gray in my office." She commanded before briskly walking out.



And so the fun begins.



Whatever those brats are up to they better not piss me off this time. As I was about to turn the doorknob of my door open, Baekhyun immediately swept in front of me.

"What is it now?" I irritatingly asked, pinching the bridge of my nose. He just responded with a shake of his head which annoyed me too much. I pushed him out of the way and opened the door of my...o....ffice....

"Oh shit." I saw my papers scattered all over my desk, my pens, and spilled ink, my chair had a paper attatched to it and some messy handwriting. I looked at my library andbsaw the books on the ground, some open with the bookmarks I inserted last time. I walked inside my bedroom but no sign of a mess except... I ran to the bathroom and saw the mirror had a troll face and a big 'lol' below, toilet paper all over the place and wet tiles with muddy footprints.



A red blur flew past me and into GOT7's dorm. I heard sound of muffled shouting and a glass break. EXO and Minyoung are in serious trouble.


Soon enough, Mayuna already knew who would do a make-over with her office and here we are at the underground in Kim territory with a very angry Chief in front of us.

"Bring them to me." Her bangs fell in front of her eyes and began to form blue flame. Her brother Kim Seokjin took notice of this and fed her with pudding (more like stuffed a spoonful of pudding in his little sister's mouth), lightening her mood a little bit though her glare was still there.



"So tell me how is this cool?!" Chanyeol ran along with me. The others were caught by GOT7 and now we were being chased by BamBam and JB.

"Just shut up and run!!" I ran a bit more faster, leaving Chanyeol behind and to be caught by BamBam.

"Help me, Minyoung!"


"You traitor!" I hear JB's footsteps nearing mine and soon enough I was cornered, both of us breathless.

"You think you can run away, huh?" He panted, his breath tickling my nose. I couldn't speak, he is teasing me and he doesn't even know it! (>//O//<) He seemed to notice because he lowered himself down and breathed on my neck. Fuck you.

"I'm bringing you back to Yu and you better get your body ready for punishment." He carried me on his shoulder and slapped my butt. Hard. I blushed.

"You slapped my butt, how dare you. I'm telling this to Yoongi." I pouted. He just laughed and jogged back to Yu where my punishment awaits.


"You will clean the HQ with Chanyeol and EXO will be the ones patrolling in night shift in one whole month. Also, I will steal your dessert in dinner in a month too."

And that was the day I knew I shouldn't mess with one of the strongest beings on Earth. Oh, and Suga asked for JB to be clean too because he slapped my butt.

What a gentleman.

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