Chapter 14 - Something A Bit Normal

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It was the beginning of of Winter, the snow coated the peaceful houses of the inner walls. Everyone, be it young or old, were preparing themselves for the big event coming in a few more days, Christmas. Though the townspeople seem to be enjoying out there in the snow, a certain black-haired girl stayed indoors, coughing and sneezing once in a while, leaving a worried and anxious guardian beside her, rubbing a wet towel on her hot skin to keep her body temperature at normal state.

"I told you, I don't need to be taken care of. I can eat, stand, and bathe myself. I'm already 18 for pete's sake!" Minyoung complained, trying to stop Suga from rubbing the extremely wet towel on her skin.

"If you can really take care of yourself then stand up and knock on the Chief's door and come back here without her knowing you knocked on her door for no reason." The male huffed, resting his hands on his lap, observing his little princess's next moves.

"I'll do it!" she exclaimed, managing to stand up without guidance. Suga sighed in frustration and pushed her back down on the bed, the female yelping a bit as her butt landed a little harsh on the bed sheets.

"You'll do anything for something, alright." he patted her head. Minyoung pouted angrily, swatting his hand away from her head.

"I'm not a kid anymore!" she made threatening hissing sounds at him. Suga tried to keep in his laughter,

"Pfft-- yeah sure you are~" he mumbled the last part. "...kid."

"Stoooop!" she attempted to swing her fist at his face but due to her cold, she was weak against her guardian who eaisly caught her hand and placed it back down, patting her once more. "Ugh!" her back fell back down on th bed, rolling a bit to adjust her position, her back turned to the white man.

"You won't be attending training 2 days after that cold goes away." Before she could protest, he gave his final words before leaving the room. "That's an order, young lady."

With that, he left to being soup. ((A/N: AT THE SOUP STORE))



As I was strolling around the enormous headquarters, I heard a cute little sneeze coming from the door just beside me. I stares at the door for a few seconds and hesisitantly decided to see what's up in that room. I knocked on the door,

"Hello? Is anybody in the there?" ((A/N: GO AWAY ANNA-- okay I'll stop.)) I heard the shuffling of feet and a small thud. The door opened, revealing a kneeling Minyoung at the door, her hand on the doorknob. She must have tripped. "M'lady," I gently grabbed both of her arms, helping her stand up. "are you alright? I heard sneezing--" I noticed her red nose and flushed cheeks, eyebags and messy hair. I would have scolded her for looking like trash but eh, love makes you do "amazing" things.

"Y-Yes..." she stuttered. Fucking cute. I tried not to blush and chuckle at her adorable being. I seemed to have been staring at her for her fave suddenly turned red as she embarassingly looked away.

"Oi, Minyoung!" A familiar /annoying/ voice called out from across the hallway.

Shit, him again?


Had to cut it short because I am just finished this first part in 11:36 pm. Sorry ;-; I will update the next chapter after the long ass exams :D


☆ Aoine the Great ☆

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