Chapter 6 - A chief's background

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  "Not everything is revealed, in every dark corner lies an unknown and illegal secret."

  The village's dark corners were full of gangsters that go against their leader, they hated how locked up they are in the walls, they wanted more, not satisfied by the service inside. Another reason is that some of them were really scared to death when a new chief was elected to take position for the deceased wife of the village's leader. She was a past rebel in the village, a leader to all of them. She was caught in the headquarters, trying to spy on the two sons of the leader. Since then, their leader observed her, studied how she will last long with the punishments given to her. He admired how she would hiss in pain when she was at her limits, admired how she would bear the pain longer than him. Their leader thought that she was too young to be the new chief so he waited until she was about 16. She was one of the most trusted and respected leaders in the village and no one dared to piss her off, she'd kick them at the balls if they did. As mentioned before, she was a leader of the rebels before so she knows much of how would they'd behave, plan, think, and etc. She knew what would they'd be planning right now, they're completely focused on leaving the village after kill everyone in the village and into the next one. She had to prevent them by doing so or she loses her position as chief. And lose....the people she loves the most.

▶ play

  "Yah, y'know what?" Taehyung blurted out, breaking the silence between the four of them. The three turned to the alien then he continued, "Baekopayoooo (I'm hungryyyy)" Suga almost threw a piece of crumpled paper at him although Minyoung stopped him.

  "You just ate dinner!"

  "Calm down, snow white." Minyoung took the paper aside, lowering his raised arm. He turned to her with a confused expression,

  "Am I really that beautiful?" he asked. 「[a/n: *coughs*]」

  "Not that much, girl." Minyoung tried to imitate the sound of a male's flirty voice though failed and sounded more like a retard.「[a/n: -ed cow.]」Taehyung and Jungkook bursted out laughing at her epic fail. Minyoung just sticked her tongue out at them and began to draw something on a piece of paper. The two finally stopped laughing and joined Yoongi watching her work. The output turned out to be the person in Minyoung's dream, she explained how confusing and humurous it was. This sent shivers down Suga's spine, her tone was so dreamy as if she desperately wanted the person in her dreams. He swallowed. Hard. He didn't expect that guy would appear for his Minyoung.


Sorry if it is very short. I had a few complications so please bear with me, dear readers.
Xiumin: Baozi~?
Yeah yeah I'll buy that later
Xiumin: ^3^




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