Urban's birthday gift-Jack and Urban

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Couldn't get this scenario out of my head so decided to write it. Enjoy🤎

"Ok sit down I need to talk to you for real" Jack said standing up in front of tyla. She sat on the couch looking up at him. "Whats up".

It was a few days before Urban's birthday and Jack was yet to get him a gift but he knew what would be perfect. His girlfriend tyla. "Ok so I'm gonna give you background baby so this doesn't sound crazy,so just listen before you respond". Tyla nodded her head as she sat up in her seat.

"Ok so me and urban are best friends and you know his birthday is coming up right?" She nodds yes. "Sooo basically when I first started talking to you urban liked you too at the time. So he was mad at me when you said yes to go out with me. So then I told him that the next girl i like I'd let him steal her from me. But obviously we have been together for 2 and a half years to that never happened" at this point ty was a lil lost but continued to listen. "Ok here comes the crazy part, I was thinking since that time never came I could let him in on the original girl". She looked up confused "Jack what do you mean". Jack nervously bit his finger nails but stopped not wanting to mess up his manicure. "Um I mean I want you to have a threesome with me and urban or fuck him and I'll still be there to watch".

"Ty you don't have too, it's just an idea and Ik we had just talked about having one a while back so I thought what a perfect time". She didn't say anything just sat in her thoughts. Ty genuinely thought it was a set up but wanted to take the chance. She had definitely been attracted to urban in the past and they were close and comfortable with each other so it wouldn't be awkward. But she worried about Jack getting jealous he was very protective over her and when even a guy slightly looked at her wrong he'd wanna hunt them down. But he also expressed his like for wanting to have a threesome and wanting to watch some else fuck her but he'd have to have full trust in the guy he brought in and full trust in her. And you most definitely didn't want a girl brought because of the same insecurities besides maybe ur bestie but even that probably wouldn't happen.

After very very deep thought she finally said something. "I'll do it". Jack stood up surprised. "Ur dead ass ty" she couldn't tell if he was mad or surprised at her response though making her think it really was a set up question. "Jack was that a set up, because that's not funny" she said getting up. " No no no baby I'm serious. I'm just happy you said yes he's gonna love you, since i brag about how good ur pussy is all the time" he said with a smirk.

She smiled and went up to kiss him. "So how is this all gonna work?" She said leading him to the bedroom.

I've been sitting on this idea for a while now and thought I'd do it. Hope it's a good comeback since I've been gone for a minute

Like and comment if I should do a part 2 with the actual threesome in it🫶🏾love y'all

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