Media- Jack Harlow

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"Well how do you feel about the way jack interacts with other women?" The interviewer ask as the room fell silent. You just smiled looking up at him "um.. id rather not discuss that"

Letting out a deep breath. The question really struck a nerve. You and Jack had been a little rocky lately. Jack has always been a flirty person, I mean that's how he got you but in recent times it's been starting to hit you. Jack had recently been in the media for being seen with another women. Lucky those were completely false since  the women was just Metta, Jacks stylist. But the media kept pushing the narrative that you were being cheated on. That you were just some sad miserable girl who couldn't leave the big shot rapper because she was "in love". 

You zoned out not even realizing a tear was now falling from ur eye. "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't know that question would make you feel that way. I didn't mean to disrespect you" said the interviewer trying to comfort you as everyone in the room stared. "It's fine I-I think I'm just going to leave now." Getting up not even giving the man time to respond. Speed walking past everyone now full on crying. The stress and rumors finally got to you. You never wanted to get like this. Your anxiety just couldn't be hidden anymore and that one question finally broke you.

1 week later.

The interview had been published. You had honestly forgot to tell your agent to ask them not to put that out but completely forgot due to the stress. Your messages were flooded and the media was having a field day with You and Jack. "Jack Harlow cheating confirmed"
"Y/n breaks down and storms out of interview"
"Jack Harlow: Not really the good man everyone thought he was"
"Y/n, in it for the money?"

Great. Now they have even more "evidence" that jacks not shit.

Incoming call: Jackman🤍🤞🏾......

Haven't wrote in a very long time and had this idea while trying to go to sleep. Hopefully I can get back to being consistent on here since it's the summer. Hope y'all enjoy and thanks for reading feel free to leave suggestions and request. 🤍💗🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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