Cheater Pt 1- Urban Wyatt

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It was around 1 in the morning on Saturday. Heaven rolled over in her sleep expecting to feel the warmth of her boyfriend but he was no where to be found. Squinting and looking at her phone she realized how late it was and that her phone was flooded when messages.

Baby I'm sorry I swear this is not what it looks like.

Confused she opened Instagram seeing tones of messages from friends and fan pages sending her screenshots. A picture of urban at a club with a girl on his lap. Stunned wouldn't even be enough to describe how she felt. She knew urban was going out with the guys but she never expected him to cheat on her. She continued to open the dms and over and over the picture with the girl all over him until she opened the last one. A video. Urban with the girl now beside him, and the girl now leaning over to kiss him. Heaven couldn't even bare to watch the rest. She threw her phone and immediately broke down crying.

The love of her life. Her first love at that had cheated on her out in the open with what seems like no regards to her. She had never really felt this type of pain. The tears came rolling out quick and fast. She was suddenly stopped by the sound of the frond door opening. He's home. She didn't know if she should keep quite or storm out and yell at him but before she could even think he was already at the bed room door.

Urban was meet with the sight of Heaven sat on the bed with both fresh and old tears on her face. "baby" that's all he could really bring him self to say. He knew he fucked up bad. Before coming home he went over to Jack to ask what he should do. Jack had warned Urban about a girl who kept looking at him before leaving the club due to a performance the next day. Leaving Urban and everyone else still partying.  Jack really did chew him out as soon as he walked threw the door. " Man what do you mean you fucked up of course you did, heaven is the best thing that's happened to you and does anything for you and this is how you repay her" Jack yelled. Those words rang threw Urbans head the whole way to his apartment.

" I can't believe you" trying her hardest not to cry. Walking closer too her he reaches his hands out and try's to hug her. "DON'T TOUCH ME URBAN" she yells placing her hands between them. " baby I'm sorry I really didn't mean for this to happen, she had been looking at me all night and Jack had warned me to watch out for her. But I didn't listen she came up to me and it just happened. I'm so sorry please I didn't mean for anything to happen. In full on tears now, "Urban your telling me that you were warned about this girl and you still let her get this close to you." She really wanted to believe him and comfort him since she loved him so much but it was really hard in this situation. They had never had anything happen like this in there relationship and she truly didn't know what to do. But she did know she needed space. She wasn't going to able to think straight if she was around him.

Getting up from the bed she went to the closet and began to pack. "Heaven please wait, where are you going" Urban now crying and trying to block her from the closet. " I don't know Urban probably a hotel " She had moved from Kentucky to Atlanta to be with Urban and had no family there. A hotel was really the only place she had to go. "baby please i know you need space but don't leave please" He begged now hugging her tightly. A single tear falling from her eye. "Then you need to go stay with Jack, for at least a day. I just- I just need to think about what i wanna do". Urban reluctantly agreed and packed some clothes for the next day or 2. "i love you Heaven and i hope we can work through this" Urban said walking to the door sadly and reaching out for a hug. She gave him a weak hug but Urban really could care less he was just happy she even touched him. From there he left the stay with Jack. Heaven couldn't even go back to sleep at that point she had too many thoughts going through her head. Was Urban really telling the truth? Was he really as sorry as he seemed?

Let me know if yall want part 2❤️❤️❤️

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