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*Tom Holland*

You unlocked the door to your apartment and put your bag down closing the door behind you.

When you walked into the living room you found tom sitting on the sofa on his laptop.

"Hey tom, what are you doing-"

You stop talking as you notice he is on google and the search bar has a specific scentance typed : Infinity war theories.

"Tom, you know why you weren't told anything about the movie"

"Yea but I want to know what's going on"

You playfully sighed as you took a seat next to him, taking the laptop from his grasp and closing it only to place it on the coffee table in front of you.

"Tommmmm, you can't know"


"No, you know you'll accidentally let something out and the movie will be spoiled before we even begin to film it"

"Can you at least tell me one thing? Please?"

"Okayyyy If that's what you want"

"Yes please!"

You smiled at his pleading smile and nodded "well I know our characters have an arch"


"Wait do you die! Please don't say you die!"

"I don't" you noticed his eyes widen as he pointed to himself "No, no. None of us die okay"


You stood up and paused when he grabbed your arm "where are you going?"

"I have work to finish tom, okay come and find me after you've watched to eppisodes of that show you love so much"

"Okay you have 2hours"

You smiled at the pout he gave you and bent down to give him a kiss before walking into your bedroom and started working. But not after changing into a comfy set of pjs.

Sorry it's not as long as my other ones.

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