self-insulting and emotions

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You were sitting in the living room of the Avengers Tower and you were watching the tv. On the news Spiderman who you knew as Peter Parker was stood there infront of the camera with a reporter beside him.

You turned up the television as Tony walked into the room and crossed his arms as he keant against the doorway.

Reporter: "Spiderman what can you tell us about your relationship with the famed Stark intern Peter Parker?"

You watched as the left eye on his mask slightly twitched and you smirked to yourself.

Peter: "That guy is a hUGE asshole, just one big embarrassing failure of human life"

The cameraman switched off and the channel turned over so your turned the tv down and looked up at Tony who was silently chuckling to himself.

Within a few minutes the two of you heard him come through the window in the next room and went silent and he walked into the room.

"Hey Pete, anything weird happen to you today?"

He hesitantly shook his head at you and took off his mask "Um, no I'm just gonna go to my room-" he left the room and turned on his tv.

Both you and Tony heard him start to shout so you rushed to stand in his doorway, meeting Bucky and Steve who shared confused glances.

You opened the door and watched as Peter threw the remote at the wall and screamed: "Say that to my fucking face you tool! Get a real job Asshole!"

You muttered a quick "omg" as you hit your head on the door frame.

Bucky reached over and put his hand on the wall so when you tried to hit your head you repeatedly hit his hand.

Steve's eyes widened in confusion "Are they okay?"

Tony shook his head as he crossed his arms "Of course they are, what do you think Capsicle? Peter's mad at himself and Y/n-well I don't know what's wrong with her"

You stopped banging your head against the wall and bucky moved his hand away with a nod "Thanks Bucky...but he has too many confusing emotions swirling around in his annoying head of his make it stop" you immediately hit your head on the well again but instead of contiuing you just rest your forhead on the wall.

Tony threw a tennis ball at Peter who instantly turned to him and caught it "what was that for?"

Bucky glanced at you before rubbing your shoulder "Your stupid eruption of emotions in your little head if yours are hurting y/n, calm it down will you?"

"Oh shit y/n I'm sorry"

You wave your arm at him as you kept your head against the wall "Nah it's okay just calm them down"

He did and your headache left a little while after, leaving you and Peter to watch a few movies before falling asleep in your bed.

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