Chapter 9

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WARNING: Prejudice involving the topic of race. (Don't know why I'm putting a warning for this but, meh.)

Don't be racist or wrongfully prejudice, guys.

So, who is Mrs. Diop?

Aminata Diop was born in a French ruled Senegal to a mother and a father. Now unknown by name, her father left the family when she was just shy of two, after the country gained its independence.

She worked hard for most of her life, getting married at 18 and getting pregnant at 20. She had her only child in 1976, Abdoulaye Ba, who now goes by Fred Stefflan in the states and mostly anywhere.

Albert sat with Elmer on the couch with their parents, right in front of Mrs. Diop. She was looking over the family, mostly at Albert. He shifted as she glanced once more at his red hair.

She hummed, turning to her son sharply. "Où est la nourriture?"

"J'attendais que tu arrives jusqu'à ce que nous le cuisinions", Fred answered, never glancing away from her eyes. "Je sais que tu aimes cuisiner avec moi, et moi toi."

She hummed once again, standing up. "Okay", she comments, looking over the family again. "Okay."

Holy hell, is she intimidating. Albert looked at Elmer, who sat bored yet terrified. Ralph looked calm.

"She's kind of...intimidating", Albert noted, whispering to Elmer and Ralph. Elmer patted in shoulder as Ralph chuckled.

"Wait until dinner."

Albert watched as Ralph got up and walked away, the older's mood seeming to have changed. He didn't understand. Why does he seem so frustrated already?

"Mrs. Diop is a bit prejudice", Elmer answered, keeping his voice low. "She can hardly stand us as a family."

"But why?"

"Because we don't look like her son."

Albert furrowed his brows. "I guess..."

"Do you know your own history, Albert?" The redhead shrugged, not knowing how to answer.

He sort of did. His dad- when he was alive- taught him to have pride in who he is and his people. He taught him there's no shame in being different, and he should respect other different people, too.

But many people like to come between that, so he learned. Now, Albert stays in a corner, staying quiet.


"Come on, man, try it!"

"We're good, dude", Race says sternly, trying to sound kind to the homeless man. Usually he found these conversations enlightening and fun, but he wasn't on that track today. To be honest, the offer was tempting.

"What's up with you?" Race turned to look at JoJo, who finally put his phone away. "You usually like talking to the homeless."

"People without homes", Race corrects, looking both ways. "They have a home, they just don't know where it is."

"So what's up?"

"My dad's a bitch and my chest still burns from running", Race answers nonchalantly, walking ahead. "What's new?"


"I don't want to talk about it."

They reach Jack's house with a sigh from JoJo, knocking on the door. To their surprise, Davey opened it. "Oh, shit."

"Good afternoon! Would you like to choose between late night, or-"

"I'm stopping you before that joke goes any further."

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