Chapter 10

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"She completely insulted Mr. R", Albert complained into his phone, scoffing. "And I couldn't say anything since I was struck with fear."

He sighed and looked around the closet. "On the bright side, Halloween is on Friday but I've got nothing to wear. I've always wanted to go with someone- as a costume partner- but I don't have anyone to go with. I guess there's perks to having friends, too."

He stopped recording and turned his phone off, still waiting for Mr. Jenkins. Where has he been? It's been a week.

The door opened and Race came inside, his hair disheveled and his chest rising and falling. "Delanceys."

"I figured", Albert nodded, looking at his eye. "Your eye is swollen shut."

"Thanks, genius", Race muttered, sarcastically, sitting down in front of the redhead.

"Hey, I'm just reporting the news", Albert raised his hands in mock surrender. Race chuckled and rolled his eyes- well, eye.

"This must be how Blink feels", Race mumbled, touching his right eye. He winced.


"My friend. Eyepatch."

"I can guarantee what you're feeling right now can not compare to what he feels everyday."

"Questo fa male", Race winced, trying to think of someway to heal his pain.

"Perché continui a dichiarare l'ovvio?" Race looked at Albert in surprise.

"You speak Italian?"

"You did it again", Albert pointed out. "And I know a little bit. I stopped learning when I was 11."

"You sounded pretty fluent to me."

"My dad used to teach me", Albert clarified, looking away from his eyes. "It was nice."

Race nodded, staring at him. "No lunch?"

"Wasn't hungry."

"You should eat."

"I just forget sometimes", Albert admits, shrugging. He was hugging his knees in thought. "I don't know why."

Race hummed. "Yeah."

"What are you going to be for Halloween?"

"Don't know yet", the blonde shrugged. "This kid, Jake, is supposed to be throwing this epic party in Jersey. My friends and I are gonna crash. It's supposed to be cool. Wanna go? Be the plus one's plus one?"

"I don't have a costume" Albert shook his head. "Parties aren't really my scene anyway."

"Then what are you dressing up for?"

"Trick or treating", Albert said obviously. "If I'm still going to be considered a minor, then I should be allowed to do minor things."

"Preach", Race laughed, bringing his own knees close to his chest. "I'm a kid, but I have to act like an adult. It's stupid."

Albert chuckled and nodded. The bell rang, both boys looking at the door. Race stood and dusted off his pants, giving Albert a hand. "I better get to class."

"Go to the nurse", Albert said at the same time. Race quirked his brow, tilting his head to the side. "I promise, Ms. Teohwee is really nice."

Race nodded, opening the door. "I'll...think about it."

Albert shrugged, watching Race leave.


"Why don't you tell us when these things happen?!"

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