❤︎︎ 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 ❤︎︎

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"Look at her, she's so weird!"

I grew up thinking that if you didn't stick in with everyone else.. then you were just one of the loner kids who didn't belong anywhere.

"She's trying so hard to act like one of us!"

Though, trying to stick in never worked either. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't fit in with the other kids.

Maybe that's why, that day when you gave me your hand.. I felt as if I didn't need to fit in, as if everything would be okay as long as you were there.

Apart of me knew that I couldn't hold onto your hand forever, but I wanted to try anyways, because you made me feel as if I did belong.

2002, June 3rd.

"Stop trying to fit in, you'll always be a loner!" Holding her hands to her hips, the little girl yelled at me, her expression sour. I was just trying to go home, I didn't want to end up in this type of conversation.

Though her voice was loud, the rain was louder, loud enough to block out most of her words. I was just waiting to get picked up from school, why did she have to approach me? "Are you even listening?!" Now annoyed, she took a step towards me.

While she took another step forward, I took one back. I was now getting close to the stairs and further away from the roofs shelter. As she took another step, I had no more room to go back, unless I wanted to tumble down the three steps and be poured on by rain.

"Can't you just be invisible? Why do you have to try and be like us?!" Shoving her hands forward, they met contact with my shoulders. My eyes widened as my body fell back, time seemed to slow down as I realised that I was falling.

Body aching, the impact from landing on the gravel after being pushed from the top of three stairs caused my limbs to sting from intense pain. The rain poured down over me, drenching me from head to toe.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get away from her!" The yelling of another voice came into place, but I was still shocked and aching so much that I couldn't look up. "Are you okay?!" Skidding to a stop in front of me, my head shot up to meet face to face with the person.

My eyes widened further when I took the person in, his purple eyes glittered with concern. His hand was held out in place for me to take, though, I hesitated. "I.. can get up on my own, please go back undercover you're getting drenched!" My shouting wasn't enough to convince him to leave, as he just stood there and smiled.

"Well, you're getting drenched as well, so you might as well let me help you up so we can both get undercover" smiling with closed eyes, he still rested his hand out, inviting me to grab hold of it. With a small nod I reached my hand out, as my fingertips met contact with his own I pulled away for a quick second, scared.

What was I scared of? Maybe that he was like the other kids and that he was only doing this just so he could make fun of me for believing him. However, when I looked into his eyes for any sign of disgust, I could only find compassion and warmth. That was enough for me to try again.

This time when our hands made contact, I didn't pull back. With a big grin, he wrapped his hand around my own and pulled me up carefully then walked us both back to cover. I bit down on my tongue, flinching at the slightest bit of pain that I felt in those few seconds. "Oh, your hand is bleeding.." now examining my hand, he got lost into his own thoughts.

"Sorry I don't have any bandaids but.." ever so slowly, he grabbed the end of his shirt and started using it to gently wipe the blood away. "You don't have to do that, you'll get your shirt messy!" Trying to pull my hand away, he only grabbed onto it and held it into place. "It's fine, I can just wash it" not wanting to hear me disagree anymore, he held a scowling expression.

Now finished, he dropped his shirt back into place with a satisfied smile and looked back up to me with big eyes. "I'm Tooru Ishikawa!" With a big grin, he cheered his name for me to hear. "Ishikawa..it's a nice name, I'm [Yn] [Ln]" no longer scared, I smile of my own made place to my expression.

Though it was raining nonstop on that cold afternoon, somehow, it almost felt as if there was the slightest bit of sunny heat that was shining down.

That warm feeling, was because of you.

𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂. - Ishikawa x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now