«Chapter 4: Mischievous Scamp»

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Sigyn tried to open her eyes, but her head was throbbing. Her body was still, and she couldn't say a single word. A ringing sound filled her hears as she tried to open her eyes once more, one by one her senses came back to her. This wasn't all good as she still heard the screams of the families.

Sigyn sat up and saw the people in her cell. Lady Sif was sitting in the far corner clutching tightly onto her blade and plotting a way out of this. Her face raging with fury. Bright red blood trickled down her forehead and onto her cheek. Queen Frigga was trying to comfort everyone, and she was slowly tending to each of their wounds.

It seemed almost impossible to come out of something like this. Sigyn turned to see her mother helping Queen Frigga clean off the blood of an elderly woman. Since Sigyn was to worn out she couldn't use her powers, she sat in the corner feeling worthless.

She got lost in the void of her mind as she simply stared at the barrier before her.

'You should've captured Theoric'

'You will never be worthy of anything'

'Your nothing but a mischievous scamp'

The thoughts dropped her into a hole of guilt and she couldn't pick herself up.

She wanted scream. Scream so loud that a human on Midgard could've have heard her. There was nothing she could do to fix this. Ragnarök had fallen upon Asgard. A single tear fell down her cheek as she continued to stare.

Ingrid turned to see that her daughter had awoken, but she knew from the moment she saw her face that Sigyn would have preferred to have been asleep.

She wrapped her hands around her child and said, "Your as dull as the moon's solstice my love and I believe speech is the only way to shine bright again,"

Sigyn wanted to melt into her mother's embrace but a part of her didn't let her. It held her captive, making her guilt drown her even more.

"But nothing I say will fix what has happened," tears rolling down her cheek. "I knew what was happening before, I knew it! But I was too scared to do or say anything,"

"But you can fix it, I believe it is your time."

Sigyn looked at her mother for the first time since she came over. Her eyes were filled with sorrow and shock but all had faded when she had seen the look in her mother's eyes. Faith. She believe her daughter could save them. She knew it. The Gods and blessed her with this beautiful child for a reason and though it hurt her to make her do so, she knew Sigyn was the only one to help Asgard.

She nodded to her daughter and stood up holding out a hand. She smiled for the first time since she woke up and got up. Sigyn up to the force field and looked to the dark halls beyond it. Twelve guards were spread throughout the dungeons Two in front of each cell. She looked down at her palms and drew in a breath. Concentrating her magic right above a guard's heads she form a little golden ball. With a quick flick of her wrists it swung at the guards head.

"Ow! Who did that?!" he said angrily looking at the other guards.

Sigyn made the ball disappear before doing the trick again. One by one she hit the guards. There were giggles from the little children in their cells but confusion was all that plastered the faces of their mothers.

The guards started getting into a fight and punching each other. They were so busy fighting it gave Sigyn a chance to do a bigger spell. She looked to the women around her and placed a finger to her lips.

'Just like with Fenrir,'

She focused her magic once more but this time to the bodies of the women around her. Making them blend to the colours of the walls.

Her hands slowly disappeared as she made each of the women invisible to everyone outside. At last the guards turned around and saw no one in the cage. They opened it up and ran inside with their swords held up high. She led the women out of the cell and grabbed the keys to lock the door.

The guards started shouting and cursing.

"No! You will never get away with this you mischievous scamp! Lorelei will-!"

Sigyn placed a silence spell over their cell so no one could talk anymore, sick of their voices. She shook her head at them and turned around to see everyone staring at her in disbelief.

Beady eyes watching in surprise. She didn't know what to say nor do. Everyone seemed as though they wanted answers to what was going on. All of a sudden, Queen Frigga came out of the crowd of women and bowed down to Sigyn, catching her off-guard.

"Asgard will thank you for what you have down Ms Iwaldisdottir,"

Sigyn was in shock. The great queen of Asgard had bowed down to her. After the crowd had seen what the queen was doing, they did the same.

"What shall we do now oh great saviour?" Frigga spoke.

Sigyn stood there thinking. Her plan was to get everyone out, nothing after that. Then it came to her. She had read each and every one of Lorelei's books and had remembered of the stronghold hidden in the mountains of Asgard. They could stay there until all was over.

"Take the Asgardians to the stronghold of our mountains. Keep them hidden until Lorelei is defeated." Sigyn commanded in her shaky but powerful voice.

Ingrid and the others started opening the other cells whilst Sigyn plotted what to do next. She was going to find Fenrir and confront her sister once in for all. Seemed easy enough.

She grabbed a random sword from a stack near the cells and with the help of Lady Sif let the women safely out. Frigga had a secret passage through the forest to get them to the stronghold safely. Her mother had bid her farewell and blessed her with good tidings, which mainly involved a kiss on the forehead. Now it was time for the next part of her plan, rescuing Fenrir. 

HELLLOOO AGAIN. Ik that was a short chapter (PLS FORGIVE ME) but I will publish the next chapter soon. Pls comment any ideas for any upcoming adventures you would like to see with sigyn. TY so much for reading and voting. LOVING THE DRAWING OF NANIHOO HERE.



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