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Type: Idk

(Bit of Stuke) (Future AU)

Luke strolled through the town he lived in, walking his dog, Autumn, a beautiful golden retriever. Soaking up the sunlight, he breathed in, feeling at peace. It was a hot summers day and he was out on his own, whilst his husband took his son out for the day. It was a Saturday, and every Saturday either Zander or Luke would take Lan, their son, (credit to Brii and Kristal's tmf next gen) out for the day. This time it was Zander's turn. "Luke? Is that you?!" He heard a strangely familiar voice. A voice he recognised, but couldn't quite point out who it was. As the figure got closer, Luke's eyes widened, "Stacy?? Is that you?!" The indigo haired girl ran towards him, "Yes! It's me!" She giggled, "I haven't seen you since graduation!" She hugged him, to which Luke returned the gesture. Autumn jumped up, barking happily. Stacy laughed, "You've got a dog?" She pat the dog's head. "Yeah. How's your life?" Luke asked. "Good! She said. "Really good." She clung to his arm. "And you?" She asked. "Yeah, I love my life, it's really good." The taller laughed, not really knowing what to say. "Good." Stacy smiled letting go of Luke's arm. "Say, maybe we could start over. I know in highschool I was all over you, and I'm sorry, but maybe now, we could make it work!" She beamed happily. Luke raised a brow, "Make what work?" He asked, genuinely confused. He was so oblivious to things like this. "Us." Stacy said simply. "Us?" The brunet put a hand on the back of his neck. "Uh, Stacy, you see..." He looked down. "I'm married." He put his hand infront of the periwinkle eyed girl, showing her his wedding ring. Her smiled turned into a frown, "Oh." She said, no emotion in her voice. They both looked down at the ground, silence filling the air. Suddenly Autumn let out a loud bark, frightening them both. "Woah, hey girl, what's wrong?" Luke ruffled her chest, comforting his dog. She growled, looking over at another dog passing by. Luke's eyes widened, he put Autumn on her lead in time before the other dog went past, stopping her from going after the bigger dog. "She's just scared." Luke said, "She doesn't like dogs that are bigger that her." Stacy laughed, "I see." She smiled at the majestic dog. "Hey! I have an idea!" She was getting excited, and Luke could tell. "What's your idea?" He asked. "I could come to your place!" She clasped her hands together. "Oh, uh, sure!" Luke smiled sweetly. "Let's go!" She tugged on Luke's arm. "Wait, now?" He laughed, "Yes! Let's go!" And with that they made their way to Luke's house. It was quite a big house, three stories. The brunet unlocked the front door, allowing Stacy inside. "Wow!" She exclaimed, "This is big." She twirled in circles, looking around the hallway. Luke let Autumn off her lead and set her free. "You like?" He asked the indigo haired girl. "It's amazing!" She said. "Show me around!" "Ok." Luke took her into the kitchen which was on the left. There was a little island table in the middle, next to the sink, and a dining table the opposite side. Glass windows at the back, next to the dining table, revealing the back yard. "This is the kitchen." Luke smiled. "Cool!" Stacy admired. "Four ovens?!" She looked at all of the ovens. "Heh, yeah." Luke rubbed the back of his neck. He showed her to the living room, next to the kitchen, before the door unlocked, "Hey honey, I'm home." Luke's eyes widened; it was Zander. "Oh, uh, hey sweetheart!" Luke called from the living room. Stacy's face went sour; she didn't like the idea of Luke having a husband. The brunet walked into the hallway, kissing his husband's lips as he greeted him. "DADDY LOOK!!" His 6 year old showed him a toy airplane he got that day. "Wow, that's very cool!" He kissed the top of Lan's head, watching him run around with his new toy. Stacy walked into the hallway after hearing all the commotion. Zander and Stacy made eye contact as their eyes widened. "Wait," Stacy said, "You're married to him?!" She pointed her finger. "Excuse me?" Zander crossed his arms, "What the heck are you doing here?"

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now