💕Our special day💕

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Type: fluff...?

Zander stared at himself in the mirror, blinking fast as he adjusted his purple locks.

The room was dimly lit, the lights on the ceiling as dull as possible. One single candle lit up most of the room, letting out a lavender aroma, bathing the room in an orangey glow.

The mauve haired man sighed, looking around the small room. He stepped over to where his suit layed, hanging over a privacy partition. He grabbed it slowly and held it up infront of himself in the mirror.

"Right." He sighed, his breathing quickening at the sight. Today was the day. Today he would be getting married to the one he loved. Luke. He smiled at the thought, finally being married to the Auburn haired man was his dream. The one thing he wanted more than anything else.

Just then, the door creaked open and behind it stood a teal haired girl. She walked in and stood next to Zander infront of the mirror, making sure to close the door on her way in.

She was dressed up to the nines, her beautiful white bridesmaids dress coming shortly past her knees. Her hair was braided into a small bun at the back of her head with flower arrangements all over. She looked so beautiful.

"Are you ready?" She asked, not looking away from the mirror infront of her.

Zander gulped, his stomach churned as he sighed, "Yes." He replied, still staring at himself in the mirror.

He grabbed his suit and went to get changed.

Hailey sat down on the small couch in the corner of the dimly lit room, looking around, waiting for her brother to get ready.

After a few minutes, Zander came out, fully dressed up in his pitch black suit.

"Does it look okay?" He asked unsurely. He wanted it to look perfect. It had to look perfect.

Hailey's face lit up at the sight of her brother. Small tears filled her dark grey eyes as she walked over to the grape.

"Oh my god." She sniffed, putting a hand on the pianist's shoulder.

"What? Does it look ridiculous?" Zander ran over to the mirror quickly, trying to adjust himself.

Hailey followed, slightly laughing. "No. You look amazing. Luke's going to love it." She gave her brother a side hug. "I'm so proud of you, Zander."

The grape smiled slightly, his heart beating fast. "I'm so scared." He said bluntly, looking down at his sister who now had a confused look on her face.

"Scared? Of what?" She asked, putting her hands on his shoulders.

The pianist looked away, he felt a wave of sickness come over him. "I-I don't know." He sighed, "I'm just really nervous. I mean, what if something goes wrong? What if everyone hates the wedding? What if Luke rejects me? What if- "

"That's enough of 'what if's'." The teal haired girl interrupted, placing a finger over Zander's lips. "Nothing will go wrong! It'll be perfect! Luke loves you. More than anything. You're a really lucky guy, Zander."

The pianist sighed, smiling slightly at his sister's words. "Ok. I can do this." He breathed heavily, looking back at himself in the mirror. "I can do this!"


Petals flew around the room, falling slowly before they met with the ground. Another fistful was thrown into the air, before all falling down again, just like before.

"Ok, that's enough, Milly! You don't want to make a mess." A black haired man came up to the shorter girl.

"Stop being a drag, Sean! This is fun! I'm so excited for the wedding!!" The pink haired girl jumped up enthusiastically, throwing yet again, another fistful of petals into the air.

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