chapter 5 part 1: Ayato decesion

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After Ayato and other's gone to the student council president room.

“So Claudia what is it that you wanted to say.”

“Claudia, Actually From galaxy I was able to confirm that there are around 50 to 100
Asteroids are going to collide at sediokan Academy.”

So sediokan is in a big danger huhh can't we do something about it Claudia.”I asked

Claudia, I don't know ayato.”

“Jullis, what is it are you serious that more than 50 asteriods are going to hit sediokan it's pretty bad.”

“claudia, it's true jullis that more than 50 asteriods are going to hit.”

“Kirin, what should we do then are we able to save all the people I am really worried.”

“Claudia, actually I not sure about it either.”

“Jullis, wait a minute what if we use serv ersta power to destroy all the asteriods.”

Eishiro,no it's impossible even if we try to do this the whole sediokan will be destroyed.”

“Jullis, how can you say it.”

“Eishiro, it's pretty simple because orga Lux is made up of an ermanadite and if we use it against asteriods there will be a big collision and with that sediokan will be destroyed instantly.”

“Kirin,So what should we do then.”

With all this talk going on Ayato is thinking a way to Stop the asteriods and he spoke.

“I am going to Stop the asteriods.”I said

Claudia,You won't be able to use your ser versta ayato.”

“Kirin, Yeah it's pretty dangerous ayato what happens if you get injured.”

“Jullis, I agree with Kirin you can't defeat all of them by yourself ayato.”

Jullis and Kirin both said that they want to help Ayato.

Eishiro,No you can't do it jullis and kirin.”

“Jullis, what do you mean by that eishiro.”

“Eishiro,Well I will explain everything I know okay,First things first jullis your power is fire type,so if you attack the asteriods there will be heat generated because of this everything will start melting you will be just holding back Ayato so you can't do it even if you want.”

“Now for you Kirin you're sword skills are great not denying that but you can only fight with your sword and there are not a single sword that can destroy the asteriods and your physical strength is also not strong enough to handle a asteriods shockwaves.”

“Know you understand why can't you go.”

“Kirin, But even Ayato won't be able to use his ser versta in this situation.”

You don't need worry about me Kirin,if I can't use my ser versta then I will use my fists to destroy the asteriods into dusts.”

Kirin, can you really destroy them with your fists ayato.”

Yeah I can, but I am not sure how much long can I hold of them.”

Jullis, ayato but still you can't defend the entire sediokan all by yourself.”


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