Chapter 24

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         "We have something to talk to you about" I say to Xander and James "What" James says "We are going to Baltimore until Tuesday does that interfere with the wedding" I say.

        "No. Just remember Aaron you're in all black and you are in light pink" Xander says "Ok" I say "What did you guys buy" James says "None of your business" I say "Fine. Hold up Sloan you remember that day when we had that one patient who got attacked by a certain animal" James says within seconds they are both red from laughter "I can't believe this is what I'm marrying" Xander says.

        I laugh and so does he "Ok.Ok one time me and James were working trauma together and had a patient that got attacked by that raccoon" Aaron says but he is laughing again "The raccoon came flying out of the ambulance and it was squeaking so loud and it came running at me and hit my shoe" he says basically snorting with laughter now we are all laughing our food and drinks come.

          "Well Xan all I have to say about the wedding is good luck with him" I say we all chuckle "I'm glad we finally found someone to take him cheers to that" Aaron says "Cheers" we say tapping our glasses together "I feel like I should be offended" James says "It's a compliment baby" Xander says to him kissing behind his ear.

       "who wants to go act like middle schoolers in a arcade" Aaron says "Everyone" Xander says we all stand up Aaron puts his arm around my shoulder his arm draping around my chest we walk to the arcade "Are you going to win me a teddy bear" I say with a laugh.

      "If you want one" he says "Yes" I say "Then a teddy bear you shall have" He says I laugh and he lets me go we play games for hours until I win the jackpot I throw my hands up in the air "You won!" Aaron says god we are such children he is about to turn 26 and I turned 26 two weeks ago.

            I get a teddy bear and give Xander and James the rest of my tickets "My feet hurt" I groan walking out of the arcade Aaron steps in front of me "On my back" he says I don't resist I wrap my arms around his neck and hop up wrapping my legs around his waist he starts to run out of the mall and runs to the car I just laugh the whole time I hop off his back and we both get in the back seat of Xander's Jeep.

            Its sunset and I can feel the air getting colder I rub my arms Aaron takes off his hoodie and gives it to me "I know you get cold too" I say turning it away "Stop being stubborn" he says I smile and take the hoodie I put it on "Better?" He asks "Yeah" I mumble I rummage through the bag and take out the plan b I open the water and sallow it then close the water again I lean my head back.

       "You ok?" He asks I nod "I'm fine" I say he pulls me onto his lap and extend his legs across the seat and I do to and I lean my head back into his chest "Spill" he says "I'm scared to face him again" I say "I'm right here always" he says kissing behind my ear.

        "I know" I whisper I grab the boxes with the rings and I take his and he takes mine I get off his lap and sit down beside him I slide the finger on his hand "I promise to love you" I say then I kiss his knuckles he laughs then slides my ring in finger "I love you and I promise I always will" he says then I kiss him he cuffs my check then we slowly pull apart "Next time it will be an engagement ring" he says it makes my cheeks flush "You're blushing" he says I laugh "Shut up" I say I put my hand on the side of his face and run my thumb along the stubble on his face.

         "My mom always knew" I say "What?" He says "That we would end up together and that you would have facial hair" I say he laughs "You're my everything you know that right?" He says "I know" I say with a smile "It's the middle of June why is it so fucking cold out there" James says getting in the front seat Xander gets in the drivers "Anything else?" Xander says "No. but could you give us a ride to the airport tonight" I say "Yeah" he says.

         When we get to the apartment building we walk up the stairs to the apartment when we go in we both back are bags "Should I shave because I vaguely your mom hated facial hair" he says "No. its what she expected, darling " I say he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses my cheek I touch his hands "What's this for?" I say "Nothing" he says "Aaron Lenox Sloan What did you do?" I ask "Our flight was at 9 this morning not 9 tonight so I had to get a ticket for 30 minutes from now" he says I zip up my suitcase "Lets go now" I say.

            He grabs his stuff and puts on a black jacket I insisted on not wearing one and I put the hoodie in my bag we rush to Xander's car.

         He drops us off at the airport "It's so cold" I say "Told you" he says we run through the airport and barley make our flight I sit in my seat and he sits beside me we are both panting "I'm still cold" I say he laughs and wraps his jacket around me "Thank you" I mumble "You're welcome, love" he says I look at his arms sometimes I forget about his tattoos but I love them the rose on his neck the roses down his arms and butterfly on the back of his hand.

            I take his hand and run my fingers along the back of it "This one's my favorite" I say "It's mine too" he says I twirl the ring on his finger "You hate flying don't you?" He asks "Is it that obvious?" I ask "You never fidget unless you're nervous it's your tell" he says "You have one too"I I say "What?" He asks "I'm not telling you or you'll stop doing it" I say we both chuckle I let his hand go as the plane takes off and I take a deep breath he locks his hand on my thigh.

         When we land we get a taxi to the hotel he reserved it's a Hilton he carries both of our stuff to the room he lays down on the huge bed probably three people acould sleep on it and they wouldn't notice each other I lay on the other side of him he gets on top of me and pushes my wrist above my head he kisses my neck I laugh "I love you but I'm so tired" I say "Ok" he whispers getting off me he kisses my cheek and pulls me closer to him "I love you too" He says my back is to his chest and I fall asleep.

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