The Egg Travels

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In a quiet, dark environment, a strong heartbeat gently fills the silence.

Then, a wall of scales appears, presumably from some sort of reptile and soon, light filters in, revealing to be inside a wall-like structure as shapes of creatures move outside. Small dust-like particles float around as a scaly 3 fingered hand appears, the baby making a small squeak.

3 shadows loom outside the wall structure, 2 of them are the same shape and another that appears to be on 2 legs. The baby softly coos, lowering its long slender tail, a shadow looming right outside the walls.

"Some things start out big..."

Then, a tiny, scaly head appears,

"and some things start out small."

Then, the baby opens its eye for the very first time, still cooing softly.

"Very small."

"But sometimes the smallest thing, can make the biggest changes of all."

Outside the protective walls of what is revealed to be an egg, in the centre of a nest, 11 other eggs resting in the rim around it.

A low growl is heard and a reptilian snout lowers to the egg, nuzzling it gently before lifting up to reveal a creature of legend, a Dinosaur.

This particular Dinosaur is a female Iguanadon and the mother of this particular clutch of eggs. She smiles at the egg, seemingly only hours away from hatching.

A sudden noise causes this mother and a few others of her kind watching over nests around her to look over towards the distant forest, where a flock of birds have just emerged.

After sniffing to see if anything is out there, she uses her front foot to move her egg to its place in the rim. Soon after a curious baby Parasaurolophus starts to sniff at her eggs. She waves it off, but it quickly comes back, continuing to sniff at them. Having had enough, she growls at it and it scampers away.

After getting scolded by another mother Iguanadon, it decides to get chase some birds through the legs of a Bracheosaurus who is walking through a nearby lake, before a winged lizard captures its attention.

The lizard catches a dragonfly with its spear-like tongue, similar to a modern day chameleon, and eating it, before the baby Parasaurolophus disturbs it, causing it to fly off towards the trees nearby, the baby following, jumping after it as it flies away.

The baby follows the lizard into the trees. When the lizard lands on a very thick tree branch, the baby creeps closer, a strange blowing noise in the background.

The lizard, also fed up with the baby, flies off again causing the baby to cringe back a little bit, landing high up, on a rather strange branch, just before a drop of a strange wet substance lands on the branch above the baby, who is looking for the insect.

Another drop lands in front of the baby, catching its attention and the baby notices that something is wrong. The substance is too thick and cloudy to be water.

It gulps nervous, looking up to see a large head with blade like teeth, a hungry look in its eye and two horns on its head.

The baby bursts free of the trees a few seconds later, calling in distress, confusing a lot of other dinosaurs that are nearby, including our mother Iguanadon, who turns to look at the source of the rucus. The baby continues to run and call in distress, clearly scared by whatever it was that they saw in the trees.

Suddenly, the treeline erupts as a large four finger predatory dinosaur bursts through, a Carnotaurus and it is hungry.

The baby runs for its life as the Carnotaur runs after it, intent on killing it for food, before noticing the bigger game and rushing for it, the baby Parasaurolophus running to the side and escaping with its life.

Our mother Iguanadon tries desperately to protect her nest for as long as possible against the stampeding herd, before the Carnotaur gets too close and she is forced to flee to keep her life.

The Carnotaur steps on her nest, crushing every egg except one, as it runs after a Pachyrhinosaur, which ultimately dies to feed the hungry predator as the rest of the dinosaurs run into the distance.

As the dust settles, an Oviraptor, an egg eating dinosaur arrives at the nest, seeing the lone surviving egg, which starts rocking slightly, signalling that the baby inside is still alive despite being joseled quite a bit.

The Oviraptor snatches the egg, and upon noticing the Carnotaur nearby, runs deep into the forest to eat it, but soon finds that the shell is too tough to break by his usual method of banging it against the ground, so he goes to bite into it, wanting to eat now.

He is distracted by a bush rustling nearby, and when he turns to look at the source of the noise, another Oviraptor tries to steal the egg.

But in the resulting tussle, the egg is dropped into the water below. The first Oviraptor starts clawing at the second, upset with the loss of his meal.

A wee way downstream, the egg begins floating to the surface, only to be swallowed by a giant Labyrinthodont, a giant aquatic animal, similar to a modern day axylotal, and quickly spat back out, not being to the Labyrinthodont's taste at all.

The egg pops back to the surface between two roaring Ankylosaurs, who sniff at the egg couple of times as it floats past, before losing interest and going back to roaring at each other.

The egg floats between a herd of Pachyrhinosaurs who are peacefully drinking before being pushed further into the river by one of them fighting for a good drinking spot between two other Pachyrhinosaurs.

A few seconds later, just after the egg enters the rapids, a Pteradon scoops the egg up, flying over many flat plains filled with different species of dinosaurs, dodging around the head and under the tail of two Bracheosaurs and out to sea, heading for an island.

An hour of flying later and she arrives at an island, her 2 chicks who are waiting to be fed, sense her nearby and start calling out to her, but she is forced to fly by as she has 2 seabirds following her.

As lightening strikes close by, the birds harass her by flying around her face, pecking at her beak until she is forced to drop the egg, which she has flown for so long with, which falls through the canopy below, before everything goes dark.

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