Across the Desert

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The herd of dinosaurs sleeps peacefully through the night and as soon as the sun starts rising, they begin waking up, starting with a female Iguanadon who looks a bit like Aladar's birth mother.

Zini jumps over to where Aladar and Draca are sleeping peacefully and hops on Aladar's head.

"Hey, wake up, enough with the beauty sleep, you're ravishing already."

Aladar just grunts slightly and falls back asleep. Zini, who wants to see what's going on, pulls Aladar's eye open and while waving says,

"Hey, hello, anybody in there."

Aladar starts awake, the movement disturbing Draca, who was sleeping against his brother, ending up with Zini hanging off Aladar's bottom lip.

"Zini what're you doing?"

Aladar sleepily asks his foster uncle.

"I believe you left a wakeup call for the dawn of time."

Aladar closes his eyes, about to go back to sleep, but Zini starts pulling on his nostrils, saying

"Come on, move it?"

"What's the hurry?"

Draca asks his foster uncle.

"Something's up, the herd's gathering without us, let's check it out."

"Rise and shine! Kron says everybody goes." 

Bruton's voice sounds from nearby. The brothers look around and see his encouraging a sleepy Iguanadon to his feet.

"Come on, get up! On your feet."

Zini snorts and is clearly about to say something stupid, but before Draca can cut him off, he says,

"The charm never stops around here."

Bruton's head whips around at that, staring at the brothers.

"You say something?"

"No, no sir.'

"Sorry about that, our uncle has no filter on his mouth."

Bruton looks surprised by the apology, but says,

"You two and that little parasite better get moving."

As the brothers move along, Zini says under his breath,

"Sheesh, is that guy ugly or what?"

Bruton awakens the older dinosaurs and looks at the rest of the lemurs.

"That yellow furred one needs to learn to filter what he says."

Yar sighs tiredly.

"Did Zini insult you? I'm sorry about that."

"Draca's already apologized for that. You lot really did a good job raising those two."

"Thank you Bruton."

Bruton leaves to gather the herd, while the rest of the group goes to find Aladar and Draca, who are talking to Damien and Neera, who just told two little Iguanadons that Aladar is a Jerkosaurus because Zini catcalled at her.

Draca is talking to her, clearly trying to defuse the situation as always.

"Sorry about our uncle. He's a bit strange. He has no filter whatsoever. I like the fact that you're taking care of those young ones. Maybe I could ask our foster mother to help if that's alright with you?"

Neera looks at the two newcomers with interest. They are much more compassionate than anyone in this herd aside from Emma and Baylene, and they have lemurs as family.

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